Page 25 - Quadrangle: 39th Edition
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               I have been in Sydney since 2005, relocating   John (Jock) Sellers (1944)   David Stewart (1956)
               with John Menzies PLC as their Regional   Eaglemont, Victoria, Auxstralia   New Plymouth, New Zealand
               Director for Menzies Aviation across Oceania
                                                                                    I left Heriots
               and South East Asia. We have 23 airport
                                                                                    in 1957 and
               locations in the region across 6 countries and
               11 in Australia so I am always reminded of the
               sheer size of the place, whenever I am travelling
               around. The fantastic weather is of course a
                                                                                    where I
               bonus and we live outside a great deal of the
                                                                                    graduated with
               time. My brother, Alan Reid (FP, 1978) is still
                                                                                    a degree of
               based in North Berwick, which allows me to
                                                                                    BSc in Chemical
               keep in touch with family and friends (including
                                                                                    Technology in
               a number of Herioters) when travelling on
                                                  After school, I did my Chartered Accountant   1960. I was
               business. That said, my wife Sam and my son
                                                  (CA) apprenticeship under the well-known   a Chemical
               Jonny and daughter Becky who were also at
                                                  Herioter, Tammas Aitchison. My career offered   Engineer in
               Heriot’s prior to our move to Australia, are very
                                                  the opportunity to travel to many different   East London for 2 years and emigrated to
               settled in Oz and happy to call Australia
                                                  places including Nigeria, Brunei, Sumatra and   Australia with a similar job for 3 years. Back
               ‘home’. I always keep an eye open for Scotland
                                                  New Zealand. On one memorable occasion, I   in the UK I worked for a design company for
               rugby and football results – especially Heriots’
                                                  remember toasting the memory of our founder   5 years during which time I was married, lived
               and Hibs endeavours from afar! The
                                                  on a houseboat in the middle of the Niger   in Sutton and we had 3 children. Back in
               accompanying photo is of myself at home with
                                                  Delta with 2 other FPs – a very poignant   Australia I worked as a Process Engineer and
               the Quadrangle, raising a toast to George
                                                  moment. As with many Herioters, rugby was   transferred to New Plymouth in New Zealand
               Heriot on Founders Day this year!
                                                  always my recreation and I was fortunate to   to work for the Shell Company which was
                      William (Bill) Roy, (1959)   be a member the Scottish Championship   developing the offshore Maui Gas and Oil Field.
                      York, Western Australia     winning team of 1949/50. I settled in   We had another child, but after my wife died,
                                                  Melbourne where I remain friends with other   I remarried and continued working for Shell
                                                  Herioters but we all still consider ourselves   until retirement in 2001.
                                                  ‘proud Scots’!
                                                                                           Peter Wight (1959)
                                                         Neil J H Stevens (1983)           Montville, Queensland, Australia
                                                         Perth, Western Australia

               On completion of an Agriculture Degree at
               Edinburgh, a three year contract with a farmer
               group in the Western Australia wheatbelt was
               too good to ignore. That was 1965 and I am
               still here. The contract opened the door to being
               part of the exciting agricultural scene working
               with some of the most innovative farmers in the   Neil left Heriots in 1983. On graduating from   After qualifying as a Chartered Accountant in
               world. Highlights include; involvement in   Sandhurst, he was commissioned in to the   1964, I went to Hong Kong on a 4 year contract
               developing minimum tillage systems to   Gurkha Regiment and spent the next 22 years   with PWC. I then moved into the commercial
               establish crops; pioneering contract research   serving across continents, including a stint with   world ending up as Financial Director of
               services; testing and extending integrated weed   the French Foreign Legion. The responsibilities   Hutchison Whampoa Ltd., one of Hong Kong’s
               management programmes to combat    of a young family saw him resign to take up an   largest companies. I lived there almost 30
               developing herbicide resistance in major weeds.   advisory post to the Singapore Government that   years. I was captain of the Hong Kong rugby
               Towards the end of the long career it was   in turn led to a global management consultancy   team and also of The Royal Hong Kong Golf
               pleasing to be conferred the title of Fellow of   specialising in oil and gas projects across   Club in season 1991/92. I married my Sydney-
               The Australian Institute of Agricultural Science   Australia and Asia.  He currently works for Rio   based wife, Robyn, in 1991 and now live on the
               & Technology.                      Tinto and is based in Perth, Western Australia.   Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia.
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