Page 21 - Quadrangle: 39th Edition
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                                                         Michael Andrew (1967)      venues in Australasia - the Isaac Theatre Royal
                                                         Western Springs, Auckland,    in Christchurch - it has been an extraordinary
                                                         New Zealand                year, but we are lucky enough to have hosted
                                                                                    multiple sell out shows over the last few
                                                                                    months and we’re just finishing a season of
                                                                                    Cinderella, likely one of only a few pantomimes
                                                                                    in the world at the moment! I work on music
                                                                                    festivals and events around the country, mainly
                                                                                    Stage Managing or in an Artist Liaison role.
                                                                                    The kiwi lifestyle is definitely unique, but
               Australasia                                                          hopefully international travel restrictions will
                                                                                    lighten and allow for a trip home in the near
               The second installment in our series covers
               FPs residing in Australasia.
                                                  Following my time at Heriot’s, I did a BSc at   Stuart Calder (1988)
               As per the previous edition, which
                                                  Aberdeen University, then joined the Royal   Bonbeach, Victoria, Australia
               celebrated former pupils in The Americas,
                                                  Bank of Scotland as a trainee programmer in
               the map seeks to bring together Herioters
                                                  their computer department in Edinburgh in
               of all ages to boost global connections.
                                                  1971. After 5 years with the Royal Bank in 1976
               We hope the map will not only encourage
                                                  I moved to Auckland, New Zealand, with my
               engagement amongst former pupils but
                                                  wife. Initially I was an analyst/programmer in
               also inspire FPs with whom we have lost
                                                  the computer department of the international
               touch to reconnect with the school,
                                                  airline, Air New Zealand. After a number of
               particularly following the advent of GDPR.
                                                  years I moved into the computer services
               If you are in touch with a Herioter from   business for a few years, then moved into IT
               this region who is not featured, please ask   management and then became a self-
               them to get in touch with us.      employed consultant specialising in large-scale
                                                  project management, mainly in the telco
               The next edition of Quadrangle will   industry. Finally, I joined IBM NZ where I
               concentrate on FPs residing in Asia, the   worked for nine years before retiring (from paid
               Middle East and Africa. If you, or someone   employment! in 2015. I am pleased that I have   When I left school, I didn’t stray far as I trained
               you know, lives in this region and would like   been able to provide many voluntary services to   as a radiographer at the Edinburgh School of
               to feature, please get in touch with the   education by serving on various Boards, and in   Radiography also on Lauriston Place. After
               Development Office.                mentoring others.                 qualifying, I worked at the Edinburgh Royal
               Wherever you are in the world, be assured   Catriona Angus (2005)    Infirmary opposite the school. In 1995 I
               that a Heriot’s community is thriving.    Christchurch, New Zealand   decided to spread my wings and went to live in
                                                                                    Melbourne, initially only for 1 year: 26 years
                                                                                    later, I’m still here. I worked in Melbourne’s
                                                                                    largest private hospital for 15 years as a
                                                                                    radiographer specialising in MRI and for the
                                                                                    last 11 years I’ve worked for Siemens as an
                                                                                    MRI applications specialist travelling all over
                                                                                    Australia and New Zealand. I am lucky enough
                                                                                    to still be in touch with many dear friends from
                                                                                    my 13 years spent at Heriot’s and I often visit
                                                                                           George Cartledge (1962)
                                                                                           Baulkham Hills, New South Wales,
                                                                                    After leaving school I joined the civil service in
                                                                                    Edinburgh (Scottish Development Department).
                                                  I could not feel luckier to be living in New   In 1966 I migrated to Sydney, Australia and
                                                  Zealand at the moment, especially working in   worked in various technical and executive
                                                  the events industry. As the Event Manager at   positions, mainly in transport. During that time,
                                                  one of the most spectacular performing arts   I also followed my love of music and theatre
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