Page 19 - Quadrangle: 39th Edition
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                                                                    Due to the ongoing restrictions, the Development Office will be
                                                                    postponing reunion events for the remainder of the 20/21 academic
                                                                    session. If you would like to speak to a member of the team, please

               A daughter reflects
                                                                       Scottish Fundraising Standards
               My father, Francis Bell Wardlaw, who was born in 1898,
               attended Heriot’s in the early part of the last century along   We are proud to announce that the George Heriot’s Trust is
               with his brother, James. He was an athlete, running in   now registered with the Scottish Fundraising Standards Panel,
               Scotland alongside (or, perhaps accurately just behind!)    following approval by the board of governors. Heriot’s has
               Eric Liddell and represented Heriots C.C.C., being the first   abided by the Code of Fundraising Practice for some time
               Herioter to gain an international                       and we are delighted to now have this officially recognised.
               vest for athletics.
                                                                       The Trust meets the current fundraising best practice
               The photographs below show
                                                                       standards and is committed to operating in an open and
               Francis in his international running
                                                                       honest way to the high standards you expect of us.
               vest and James at Goldenacre in
               the early-mid 1920s                                     To show we meet these standards, and to reassure
                                                                       you that we continue to operate to best practice
               Doris Neville-Davies
                                                                       levels, we will now display the Good Fundraising
               (daughter and niece of former pupils)
                                                                       logo across all print and online media.
                                                                       For more information, and to read our fundraising
                                                                       guarantee, please visit the George Heriot’s website.

                                                                    Herioters Worldwide
                                                                    - updates
                                                                    Herioters Lancashire & Cheshire
                                                                    If you reside in the Lancashire, Cheshire and Greater Manchester areas
                                                                    and would like to join other Herioters in the region, please contact
                                                                    Stuart Patrick (1961) on to learn more.
                                                                    Herioters Australia
                   Down a corridor of Little France                 At present, it is hoped that the annual lunch will go ahead on Saturday
                                                                    24 October at The Fernery, Mosman NSW 2088. Please be aware that
                   I took this photo a few years ago in a corridor of the
                                                                    this could change. For further updates, contact Graham Christie (1985):
                   new Royal infirmary at Little France. It had been on
                   a wall in the corridor of the old Royal Infirmary
                   opposite the school.                             Herioters Scottish Borders
                   Ron Dingwall (1967)                              The Borders cohort will hold their annual dinner at the Lodge
                                                                    Carfraemill Hotel Lauder in October or November 2021. The date is
                                                                    TBC, depending on government health guidelines. Please contact
                                                                    Hugh Henney (1982) on 07818 013124 or
                                                                    for more information.

                                                                       Retiring Staff

                                                                       Sarah Fraser, Senior School Secretary,
                                                                       August 2000-December 2020
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