Page 23 - Quadrangle: 39th Edition
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               good at sailing! I was part of the team from   realised that, at that time, being office bound   support industries,
               Heriot’s that won the Coca-Cola Tall Ships race   wasn’t for me. I joined the Police and met my   mostly in the role
               on George Strang’s boat Seonamara off the   wife at the Royal Infirmary (across from the   of Country Financial
               West Coast (Helensburgh down south, around   school in those days) whilst on the beat. We   Controller. While
               Paddy’s Milestone and back). I helmed a   emigrated to New Zealand in 1991 to be closer   my wife Moira and
               reasonable part of the way. I will never forget   to her family. I have since spent 27+ years in   I began overseas
               the looks of jealousy on the faces of the other   the NZ Police (in many roles) and am currently   living in beautiful
               teams (mostly semi-professional) when I went   a Prosecutor (equivalent to what the Procurator   Western Australia,
               up to collect the prize. I now live on the South   Fiscal does). We live in the beautiful town of   it subsequently
               Coast of New South Wales with my wife where   Cambridge and would welcome any stray   included several
               we are surrounded by nature and beautiful   Herioters passing through!   'tricky' places such
               beaches. I build wooden boats and am finishing                       as Nigeria,
                                                         Karen Hickmott (née Thomas) (1986)
               my 3rd - an Iain Oughtred Gannet.                                    Azerbaijan,
                                                         Toowoon Bay, New South Wales,
                                                                                    Equatorial Guinea and Venezuela. In 2005,
                      David Hepburn (1971)               Australia
                                                                                    a similar position emerged in Adelaide, South
                      Turramurra, New South Wales,
                                                                                    Australia, which ultimately led us to retire here
                                                                                    in 2011. Covid permitting, we spend the
               I enrolled at Heriot’s
                                                                                    months of June to August each year in the UK,
               in January 1966,
                                                                                    where we live with our 2 children (also FPs) and
               knowing nothing
                                                                                    are entertained by our 3 grandchildren.
               about Scotland, its
               educational systems                                                         Graham Livingstone (1981)
               or what to expect as                                                        Mosman, New South Wales,
               I had arrived from                                                          Australia
               Zambia just 4 days
               before. I was born in
               Edinburgh and by becoming a Herioter,
               I learnt the ‘tools’ for the life that I have had
               since joining the Merchant Navy in 1971
                                                  I was one of the first girls at Heriots back in
               where I qualified as a Class 1 Foreign Going
                                                  1979 and emigrated to Sydney with my
               Master Mariner. During my travels at sea I met
                                                  parents at the end of S5 in 1985. I worked in
               and married a Sydney girl (Jenny) and after 8
                                                  the finance industry, firstly as a Chartered
               years of married life in Edinburgh (plus 3
                                                  Accountant at Coopers & Lybrand while
               children) I moved the family back to Sydney in
                                                  undertaking my B.Com and then as a Systems
               1986. Now, after 35 years as a marine
                                                  Accountant, Project and Business Manager at
               consultant and surveyor, the next stage of life
                                                  Bankers Trust Australia. I took a redundancy
               is beckoning as I look towards retirement,
                                                  while I was on maternity leave with my first   I moved to Australia in 1995 with my wife and
               allowing me more time with my 4 kids and 5
                                                  child when BT was taken over by one of the   two sons and am now based back in Sydney
               granddaughters. Much gratitude goes to those
                                                  local banks in 2002.  Since then I have built a   having also lived and worked in Melbourne and
               at Heriot’s who set the standards for the
                                                  successful freelance musical career with my   Brisbane. I am currently the Head of Asset
               rewarding life I have led.
                                                  harp and also keep myself busy volunteering at   Management for Charter Hall, one of Australia’s
                      Marc Hepworth (1978)        my children’s schools, with advocacy groups for   leading fully integrated property groups. I
                      Cambridge, New Zealand      children with special needs and lately Surf Life    have always enjoyed visiting Edinburgh and
                                                  Saving, having relocated to the beautiful   re-connecting with the Heriot’s community.
                                                  Central Coast of NSW, Australia. I recently   In these unusual times, I am not sure when
                                                  reached the finals of the Rotary Inspirational   that next trip will be.
                                                  Women’s Award and the Rotary NSW
                                                                                           James H Marshall (1959)
                                                  Emergency Services Community Awards.
                                                                                           Gymea Bay, New South Wales,
                                                         Ken Langlands (1966)              Australia
                                                         Adelaide, South Australia   My working career was with the NSW
                                                  I studied economics and accountancy and then   Department of Public Works until my
                                                  had 3 broadening years in investment   retirement in 2012, receiving a medal for
                                                  management in Charlotte Square before   meritorious service. My primary areas
                                                  swapping that business address for the more   concentrated on harbour and small port
               After leaving Heriots in 1978, I half-heartedly   modest one of Shed 4, Victoria Dock, Leith.   developments in conjunction with local
               started training as an accountant but soon   That was the start of 37 years in the US oil   government councils. The long-term impacts
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