Page 72 - Writing1-try
P. 72
Start to Write 1
A good composition has an introductory sentence. The introductory sentence introduces the
composition to the reader. It is a sentence about the general idea of the composition.
I have a Honda Civic car. It is white with a blue interior. It is small but very comfortable. It
is easy to drive and it does not use very much gas. I am glad I have this kind of car.
E1. Now look at the model paragraph on page 5. Read the introductory sentence.
F. A concluding sentence
A good paragraph also has a concluding sentence to finish it. “Conclude” means “finish.”
What is the concluding sentence in the paragraph about my car? What is the concluding
sentence in the model composition? You should write an introductory sentence and a
concluding sentence in all your compositions.
A Write a composition about someone you know. May be it is your mother, father, sister, or
brother. Maybe it is a friend. Write about only one person. Use the person’s name for the title.
Put the person’s name in the introductory sentence.
Use these ideas:
1. What does the person look like?
2. What kind of person is he/she?
3. How old is he/she?
4. What does he/she like to do?
B. Check your paper.