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CEO’s stakeholder engagement in Eastern Cape
Moving from good to great, TOGETHER.
he Chief Executive Officer of the W&RSETA, Tom Mkhwanazi The visit included a meeting with large clothing retailer, Jumbo
Theaded to the Eastern Cape on 5 October 2021 as part of Clothing. The company has found its niche in skills development
his ongoing stakeholder engagement programme where he met through the provision of internships to build its talent pipeline.
with various stakeholders and discussed among other things, job This is a huge gain for addressing unemployment as the company
creation and skills development. absorbs most students after completing of their programmes.
Jumbo is currently hosting 80 students oninternship programme.
Engagement with Tom Mkhwanazi
Jumbo Clothing. with stakeholders in
The COO of Jumbo Clothing, Bradley Westaway COO says In Gqeberha, the CEO met with owners and senior managers
internships are a phenomenal initiative for the company to bring from various retail companies where they discussed challenges
in young people into the business. He further saidthat passionate in the implementation of skills development such as the timing of
young people remain with the company after gaining incredible grant funding, payment of grants, work readiness programmes,
skills set from being exposed to all components of retail and are retention of learners, among other issues. Stakeholders also
adding value to the business. proposed solutions to some of these challenges.They also
Bradley is proud of how quickly the students progress through committed to assist the SETA in improving its processes to enable
the ranks inthe company and with new stores being built, the them to continue supporting the skills development agenda.
programme isbreeding a younger staff complement as most
employees are reaching retirement age.
Meeting with
management of New
Brighton Trading.
Another company visit was with New Brighton Tradingwhich Some of the learners
currently hosts 30 learners in itsstores including fuel stations. The under learnership
company started participating in the W&RSETA programmes in programmes at New
2019 with internships and is implementing learnerships for the first Brighton Spar with the
time. They say their motivation is to contribute to the community CEO of the SETA.
while placing young people in their other franchise businesses.
W&RSETA | October 2021