Page 20 - January 2020 BarJournal
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                     n March 22, 2019, Ohio   (2)  The person in the image can be   level of offense and penalties escalate if the
                     joined  the   growing      identified from the image itself or from   offender has prior convictions therefor.
                     number of states to  pass   information displayed in connection   Generally, violations of R.C. 2917.211(B)
                     so-called “revenge porn”   with the image and the offender supplied   are  misdemeanors  of  the  third degree
        O laws, when Am. Sub.                   the identifying information.      (R.C. 2917.211(F)(1)(a)). However, if an
        H.B. 497 went into effect. In relevant part,                              offender has previously been convicted of
        Am. Sub. H.B. 497 enacted R.C. 2917.211,   (3)  The person in the image is in a state of   a violation of R.C. 2917.211(B), a second
        which creates the criminal offense of   nudity or is engaged in a sexual act.  violation is a misdemeanor of the second
        “nonconsensual  dissemination  of  private                                degree (R.C. 2917.211(F)(1)(b)). Likewise,
        sexual images.” This Act also created a civil   (4)  The image is disseminated without consent   if an offender has previously been
        cause of action enabling victims of violations   from the person in the image.  convicted of two or more violations of R.C.
        of R.C. 2917.211 to obtain injunctive relief,                             2917.211(B), further violations constitute
        compensatory and punitive damages, and   (5)  The image is disseminated with intent to   misdemeanors of the first degree (R.C.
        reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.   harm the person in the image.     2917.211(F)(1)(c)).
          R.C. 2917.211 is broken down into seven                                   Further,  R.C.  2917.211(F)(1)(d)
        subsections — R.C. 2917.211(A) — (G). These   III.  R.C.  2917.211(C) provides for certain   provides another exception to prosecution
        subsections are as follows:            exceptions to the conduct prohibited   — “[i]f the offender is under eighteen
                                               by R.C. 2917.211(B), including, but not   years of age and the person in the image
        I.  R.C.  2917.211(A)  is  the  definitional   limited to, exceptions for dissemination   is  not  more  than  five  years  older  than
          subsection, defining the words and terms   of images for criminal investigative   the offender, the offender shall not be
          used within, including such as “disseminate,”   purposes, reporting of unlawful conduct,   prosecuted under this section.”
          “image, “interactive computer service,”   news reports or commentaries or “artistic   R.C. 2917.211(F)(2) provides for
          “sexual act,” etc.                   or expressive work,” for purposes of   discretionary  criminal  forfeiture  of
            In relevant part, the word “disseminate”   medical treatment or examination, and   property to the state, including: any profit
          is defined as “to post, distribute, or publish   “for another lawful public purpose.”   or proceeds and any property the offender
          on a computer device, computer network,                                 has  “acquired  or  maintained  in  violation
          web site, or other electronic device or   IV.  R.C. 2917.211(D) lists entities that are not   of this section that the sentencing court
          medium of communication.”           liable for a violation of R.C. 2917.211(B),   determines to have been acquired or
            In further relevant part, the word “image”   including, but not limited to, “[a] provider   maintained as a result of the violation” and
          means “a photograph, film, videotape,   of interactive computer service,” “[a] mobile   “any interest in, securities of, claim against,
          digital recording, or other depiction or   service”; “[a]n internet provider,” etc.   or property or contractual right of any kind
          portrayal of a person.”                                                 affording a source of influence over any
                                            V.  R.C. 2917.211(E) provides that any conduct   enterprise that the person has established,
        II.  R.C.  2917.211(B) is the prohibition   that is a violation of R.C. 2917.211 and any   operated, controlled, or conducted in
          subsection, which provides as follows:  other section of the Ohio Revised Code may   violation of this section that the sentencing
                                              be prosecuted under R.C. 2917.211, the   court determines to have been acquired or
          (B)  No person shall knowingly disseminate   other section, or both.    maintained as a result of the violation.”
             an image of another person if all of the
             following apply:               VI.  R.C.  2917.211(F) provides for the level   VII.  R.C. 2917.211(G) provides that a victim
                                              of offense for a violation and provides for   of a violation of R.C. 2917.211 may
            (1)  The person in the image is eighteen   forfeiture of property. Violations of R.C.   commence a civil cause of action against
              years of age or older.          2917.211(B) are enhanceable, meaning the   the offender, as described in R.C. 2907.66.

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