Page 21 - January 2020 BarJournal
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              R.C. 2907.66, also enacted by Am. Sub. H.B.   pertaining to a minor” “[w]ith the intent to   While R.C. 2917.211 is admittedly a
            497, provides  that a victim of  a violation  of   intimidate or torment a minor” — violated   different statute from the North Carolina
            R.C. 2917.211 may commence a civil cause of   the First Amendment to the United States   and New York cyberbullying statutes,
            action against the offender for: (1) a temporary   Constitution, as applied to the states through   overbreadth and/or vaguenss concerns are
            restraining order or injunctive relief, (2)   the Fourteenth Amendment. In so holding,   present. For example, what constitutes an
            compensatory and punitive damages, (3)   the  court  determined  that  the  statute  in   “other depiction or portrayal” of a person?
            reasonable attorney’s fees, and/or (4) costs   question restricted speech and not just   Recall that “image” is defined to include
            of bringing the action. This statute further   expressive conduct; that the restriction created   “other depiction or portrayal of a person”
            provides that a victim of R.C. 2917.211 shall   was content based, not content neutral; and   in R.C. 2917.2112(A)(2).Further, what
            be presumed to have suffered harm as a result   that the statute’s scope was not sufficiently   does “state of nudity” mean? Although
            of the violation. This statutory cause of action   narrowly tailored to serve the state’s asserted   “nudity” is defined in R.C. 2907.01 (which
            is in addition to any other cause of action   interest in protecting children from the harms   now  applies  to  R.C.  2917.211),  what  does
            available under statutory or common law.   resulting from online bullying. Ultimately, the   “nudity” mean when coupled with the
              While the general assembly’s intentions   Court held that the State’s interpretation of the   qualifier “state of”? Is a semi-transparent
            were no doubt commendable, this newly   statute “would essentially criminalize posting   shirt sufficient to qualify as “state of
            enacted law has significant enforceability and   any  information about  any  specific  minor  if   nudity”? And what does “intent to harm
            constitutional flaws. From an enforceability   done with the requisite intent.”   the person in the image” mean? Could the
            perspective, the key flaw can be found in R.C.   Similarly, in its opinion in People v. Marquan   mere act of posting an image constitute
            2917.211(B)(5), which requires as an element   M., 2014 WL 2931482 (Ct. App. NY July 1, 2014),   “intent  to  harm”?  Would  dissemination
            of the offense that the “image is disseminated   the  New  York  Court  of  Appeals  found  that  a   of  an  embarrassing  image  of  a  person
            with intent to harm the person in the image.”   local Albany Law criminalizing cyberbullying   wearing a wet t-shirt constitute a violation
            This inclusion will no doubt result in an   was unconstitutionally overbroad under the   of R.C. 2917.211? Would dissemination
            inability to charge and/or convict numerous   First Amendment.         of a  drawing of a person in a wet t-shirt
            instances of  nonconsensual  dissemination   In  Marquan  M., a high school student   constitute a violation of R.C. 2917.211(B)?
            of such images. It is not difficult to imagine   in Albany County created a Facebook page   In conclusion, although the intent of the
            a scenario where an ex-boyfriend or ex-  using a pseudonym and anonymously   general assembly is admittedly laudable —
            girlfriend shared images of his or her ex in a   posted sexual information and photographs   no one would argue that people should be
            “state of nudity” or “engaged in a sexual act”   of his classmates with “detailed descriptions   protected for nonconsensual dissemination
            with his or her friend, only to have his or her   of their alleged sexual practices and   of private images — it appears that R.C.
            friend disseminate those images, thus causing   predilections, sexual partners and other types   2917.211 has some significant constitutional
            harm to the victim, but with no recourse   of personal information.” He was charged   and enforceability problems that may
            under these newly enacted statutes. In fact,   under Albany County’s cyberbullying statute   well  render the  general  assembly’s intent
            this was the very scenario described by a   and ultimately pleaded guilty to the offense,   essentially unenforceable.
            proponent of H.B. 497.             while reserving the right to appeal. Albany
              From a constitutional perspective, R.C.   County’s law criminalized:
            2917.211 is subject to constitutional attack   “any act of communicating or causing a   Larry W. Zukerman is an attorney
            on the grounds that the statute is overbroad   communication to be sent by mechanical   at Zukerman, Lear & Murray Co.,
            and/or vague. In fact, R.C. 2917.211(B)(5)   or electronic means, including posting   LPA. He has been a CMBA
            was  the  subject  of  criticism  by  the  “Cyber   statements on the internet or through a   member since 1985. He can be
            Civil Rights Initiative” (CCRI) while the   computer or email network, disseminating   reached at (216) 696-0900 or
            legislation  was  pending.  In  its  “Analysis  and   embarrassing  or  sexually  explicit
            Recommendations,” CCRI opined that this   photographs;  disseminating  private,
            provision  (R.C.  2917.211(B)(5))  “transforms   personal, false or sexual information,
            what would otherwise be a robust privacy   or sending hate mail, with no legitimate   S. Michael Lear is an attorney at
            law into an ineffective, duplicative, and likely   private, personal, or public purpose, with   Zukerman, Lear & Murray Co.,
            unconstitutional harassment law.”    the intent to harass, annoy, threaten, abuse,   LPA. He has been a CMBA
              Some recent examples of “cyberbullying”   taunt, intimidate, torment, humiliate, or   member since 1990. He can be
            statutes being struck down as unconstitutional   otherwise inflict significant emotional harm   reached at (216) 696-0900 or
            sheds some light on the problems inherent in   on another person.”
            R.C. 2917.211. In  North Carolina v. Bishop,   Finding the law to be unconstitutionally
            368 N.C. 869, 787 S.E.2d 814 (2016), the   overbroad, the New York Court of Appeals
            North Carolina Supreme Court held that a   reasoned that “the provision would criminalize   Adam M. Brownis an attorney at
            statute similar to R.C. 2917.211 — a North   a broad spectrum of speech outside the popular   Zukerman, Lear & Murray Co.,
            Carolina cyberbullying statute that prohibited   understanding of cyberbullying, including,   LPA. He has been a CMBA
            any person from using a computer to “[p]ost   for  example:  an  email  disclosing  private   member since 2015. He can be
            or encourage others to post on the Internet   information about a corporation or a telephone   reached at (216) 696-0900 or
            private, personal, or sexual information   conversation meant to annoy an adult.”

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