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              of personal repercussion. Senior practitioners   we leave no energy for self-care. Women,   of a few in a room. Let’s also counter tokenism
              can guide you through office politics, help   and especially working mothers, know   by helping each other rise. When you’ve achieved
              you obtain choice work assignments, and   how hard it is to manage being pulled in   success — however you’ve defined it — use your
              nominate you for promotion. When they   multiple directions by contrasting priorities.   influence to ensure that other women of color
              also hold key client relationships, a mentor   To succeed, you must find a balance. As   are also able to enter the room. Sponsor younger
              can teach you how to develop business and   you invest in your career, reserve enough to   attorneys, meet with them, offer them advice and
              manage client relations, and position you   tend to the rest of your self — your physical,   opportunities. Be a mentor. Help build a critical
              to inherit origination credit. Horizontal, or   emotional, and mental health.  mass of women attorneys of color however you
              peer mentoring, is equally important. Your   Because of the diversity disconnect, women and   can. Don’t allow the door to close behind you.
              peers, whether from college, law school or   attorneys of color are often the only one or one   Let’s rise — together.
              work, will travel their own paths. You can be a
              cheerleader, referral source, or sounding board
              for them. They will happily return the favor.
            •  Be Visible in Your Organization and a
              Leader in Your Community
              It can be difficult to establish the types of
              relationships that contribute to your success
              if you never come out of your office. All jokes
              aside about the zany creations featured at the
              office potluck, you should make the effort to
              attend both official office gatherings and the last
              minute happy hours. There you can showcase
              your more casual personality, challenge the
              unconscious preconceptions your colleagues
              may have about women and minorities, and
              identify potential mentors. It is also important
              to find an activity that is close to your heart,
              whether it is a bar association, inn of court,
              or a 501(c)(3). Become involved. Take on
              leadership roles. Seize every opportunity to
              speak and establish a reputation for knowing
              how to manage a team and get things done.
              There are several local leadership development
              programs, some for women and others for
              lawyers, that can help you build your network
              and leadership skills.
            •  Be Brave Enough to Make Strategic Moves
              You may come to realize that the success
              you seek requires you to change jobs,
              develop skills within a new practice area,
              or otherwise abandon your comfort zone.
              It’s time for a change when you feel stagnant,
              skipped over, or consistently frustrated in your
              goals. A job change will create disruption for
              your current employer. Leave as graciously   We are proud of the firm’s women
              as possible: follow the ethical guidance on   attorneys for inspiring collaboration,
              client communications and file transfers,   growth and success within our local
              give sufficient notice, and draft exit memos   and legal communities.
              to showcase your professionalism. Leave
              with your brand unsullied. Then, move
              with purpose.
            •  Invest in Yourself
              Striving to overcome the challenges on
              your path to success will exact a cost. We
              can fall into the trap of expending so much
              energy being everything to everybody that
            April 2019                                                                 Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal | 15
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