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BarJournal COLuMN
TiOn True sTOries aBOuT
aWard-Winning prOgraMs
Bar fOunda
WhiCh inspire and MOTivaTe
Stephanie Dutchess Trudeau
CMBF President
e inspired by these stories of award winning programs are made possible • Ohio State Bar Foundation Outstanding
how the programs supported by award winning teams of volunteers. For Program Award.
by Cleveland Metropolitan Bar example, the 3Rs – Rights Responsibilities • Lexis Nexis National Community
Foundation have propelled and Realities and the 3Rs+ programs have Outreach Award.
Bstudents to success and received the following awards: • American Bar Association Partnership
rewarded the volunteers with the satisfaction • American Bar Association Presidential Award.
of feeling that they learn from the students Advisory Council on Diversity in the • Cleveland Metropolitan School District
as much as the students learn from them. Profession First Annual Raymond Pace “Five Star General” designation in the
They share the mutual sense that they have and Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander Cleveland Metropolitan School District’s
received as much as they have given. These Award for Excellence in Pipeline Diversity. Army of Believers Program.
Orange high school
“ I’ve been in mock trial for most of
my high school career, and this year
in particular has improved my public
speaking skills and confidence so much.
I can’t express how much your time and
energy means to me, as well as everyone
in the mock trial program!”
– OhiO MOCk Trial sTudenT
“ I did Cleveland Mock Trial the three years I was in high school. It’s been
something that I’ve held deep in my heart. It has definitely got me where you see
me today. The Louis Stokes Scholars is also an amazing program I learned a lot
from. If you’re serious about getting into the legal field, or even if you’re not sure,
internships in any area will help you decide whether you want to do it or not.
So whether you want to be a doctor, a lawyer, engineer, architect, find something
you can immerse yourself in the field. I was different, I always knew I wanted to
be a lawyer, so doing mock trial was coming full circle with it, with internships and
co-author of the hypothetical that I was once studying. It was a lot of hard work
but it taught me a lot.” – dairian heard, 1l Cleveland-Marshall
sChOOl Of laW, B.a. frOM geOrgeTOWn COllege,
JOhn hay early COllege