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                                                                                                         JULY/AUGUST  2015

                     spOTlighT On: WOMen in laW seCTiOn

                      International Women’s Day

                      he CMBA’s Women in Law    Once again, we are fortunate to have the     Speaker Kharmia DeLemos Powell,    COMMiTTee spOTlighT
                      Section celebrated International   support of so many outstanding presenters,   Vice President, Senior Financial Advisor,
                      Women’s  Day  in  style,  with   providing their insight and experiences.  Merrill Lynch
                      our 4th Annual International
            T Women’s Day Summit.             The elephanT in The rOOM:          lead WiThOuT BaCklash: Manage
              This year, we were joined by our   Will anyThing geT us TO         perfOrManCe WiTh passiOn
            partners at C|M Law and Case Western   gender BalanCe?                 Speaker Jennifer Cohen, SVP Leadership
            Reserve University School of Law for     Speaker Caroline Turner,    Development, Ratliff & Taylor
            a full-day of programming devoted to   DifferenceWORKS
            “Leading with Passion.”                                              auThenTiC leadership:
              Capping off our day, we celebrated with   The respOnse TO #MeTOO: The   develOping yOur unique sTyle
            the Greater Cleveland Delta Foundation Life   gOOd, The Bad and The ugly     Speakers Michele L. Connell, Squire Patton
            Development Center, Inc. and honored two     Speakers Ann-Marie Ahern, McCarthy,   Boggs (US) LLP; The Honorable Emanuella
            outstanding women for their contributions   Lebit, Crystal & Liffman Co., LPA &   D. Groves, Cleveland Municipal Court
            to Cleveland. Kelley Barnett of Frantz   Meredith C. Shoop, Littler Mendelson, P.C.  & Shana Marbury, Greater Cleveland
            Ward received the Women in Law RISE                                  Partnership; Moderated by Laura W. Creed,
            Award, and Dr. Betty Pinkney received the   Taking Care Of Business:   Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas
            Stephanie Tubbs Jones Legacy Award from   suCCessful finanCial
            the Delta Foundation.             ManageMenT                         Plans are underway for IWD 2020!

            April 2019                                                                 Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal | 7
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