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COLuMN                 BarJournal

                                                                                                         JULY/AUGUST  2015

            The neW sTaTe Of nOTary

                                  Rebecca Ruppert McMahon

                   o, during the excitement of the   •  Online notaries will be commissioned for   •  Attorneys who apply for notary commissions
                   holidays and all the year-end   five-year terms and will be required to meet   after the effective date of the new law must
                   activities, did you hear that on   certain continuing education requirements.    fulfill the educational, but not the testing or
                   December 19, 2018, former Governor   •  An electronic document notarized   background check requirements.
            SJohn Kasich signed Senate Bill 263,   through an online notarization will be   •  Standardization of fees to be charged for
            known as the “Notary Public Modernization   considered an original document.    the application, testing, commissioning
            Act”? It might not have struck many of you   •  Online notaries can only perform online   and renewal processes, all of which will
            as noteworthy at the time, but the new law   notarizations while physically present   be set by the SOS in the coming months
            is bringing change to Ohio’s notary universe.   in Ohio, and must satisfy additional   during the rulemaking process.  Under
              Some of the Act’s provisions took effect   requirements established by the SOS related   the existing system, fees vary significantly   frOM The Chief exeCuTive OffiCer
            on March 21, 2019, but most aspects become   to technology, security, storage and more.  from county to county.
            effective on September 20, 2019. In the coming   Beyond establishing online notary services,   As the rulemaking process begins to
            weeks and months, much of the detail will be   the new law is also bringing change to our   bring clarity to our new state of notary, the
            sorted out as the rulemaking process kicks into   traditional notary business, including:   CMBA will be working closely with Judge
            gear. But some of the changes are already clear.    •  Mandating  criminal  background  checks  for   John J. Russo, Administrative and Presiding
              For example, the new law transfers   all notary applicants. Applicants who have   Judge  for  the  Cuyahoga  County  Court  of
            responsibility for the commissioning of   been convicted of or pleaded guilty or no   Common Pleas, as well as the dedicated
            notaries from the county courts of common   contest to certain disqualifying offenses may   and experienced staff of Cuyahoga County’s
            pleas to the Ohio Secretary of State. In   be denied notary commissions. (Attorneys   Notary Office, to further update and inform
            addition, with the enactment of SB 263,   commissioned as notaries prior to the effective   our community. In the meantime, additional
            Ohio becomes the 10th state in the nation to   date of the law are exempt from this provision.)  information about the new notary laws can
            authorize online notarizations. This means   •  Requiring standardized training and testing   be found at:
            that Ohio residents who are duly appointed   for notary applicants. Under the existing   Come Meet us at the Bar and stay informed!
            and commissioned as notaries public will   system, training and testing processes
            have the ability to apply for additional   vary significantly from county to county,
            permission to perform online notarizations.   including many areas in Ohio that provide   Rebecca Ruppert McMahon is the CEO of the
              Some of the key provisions relate to online   no training. (Attorneys commissioned as   CMBA. She has been a CMBA member since
            notarization include:               notaries prior to the effective date of the law   1995. She can be reached at (216) 696-3525 or
            •  The  process of  online  notarization  will   are exempt from this provision.)
              require the use of electronic  signatures
              and notary seals, and will operate via live
              video links.
            •  Online notaries will be required to
              maintain electronic journals with details
              of all online notarizations, and to deposit
              those journals with the SOS or an approved
              repository for a requisite period of time.
            •  Unlike the current rules and regulations
              for Ohio notaries, online notaries will
              be required to complete an educational
              course and pass a test above and beyond
              the requirements to become a traditional
              notary. (There are some exemptions for
              attorney online notaries.)
            April 2019                                                                 Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal | 9
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