Page 11 - April2019_BarJournal
P. 11

Students in the  Stephanie Tubbs Jones   •  “ This experience has meant so much and it
            Summer  Legal Academy had this to say   has taught me more than I ever thought I
            about their experience:              could learn about.”
            •  “ There isn’t enough paper for this, but this   •  “ It has reinforced the belief that I would
              meant the world to me. I got a chance to   like to be a lawyer and taught me to speak
              get the opportunity that was never given   and write well.”
              to me before. This confirmed my love and   The Foundation is proud to support these and               Bar fOunda
              passion for the law.”           other programs which inspire participants to
            •  “ I would 100% recommend it to anyone   improve themselves and our community.
              interested in law. This is something that
              I will take with me for the rest of my life;
              it has helped me make connections and   Stephanie Dutchess Trudeau is a Partner at Ulmer
              learn new things that I’d never thought I’d   & Berne LLP, and a 2019 BTI Client Service
              be able to comprehend. Thank you!”  All-Star. She specializes in employment law and
            •  “ It was just an amazing and new experience.   is President of the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar
              I’ve learned new things about myself! I would   Foundation and a Fellow of the Foundation.
              definitely suggest this experience to others.”  She volunteers in the programs including 3Rs
            •  “ The Summer Legal Academy experience   and the Cleveland Homeless Legal Assistance
              meant everything to me because it helped   Program. She has been a CMBA member since                  TiOn
              me understand my future career more.”  1985. She can be reached at

              “ I have been participating in 3Rs since its inception and serve as Ulmer & Berne’s Team
               Captain, as well as a volunteer.  While the program has evolved since that first year, one
               thing that hasn’t changed is that I get as much as the students out of the program, if not
               more.  I have been so impressed with the young men and women I have worked with
               over the years and I hope that I have provided them with some good advice along the
               way to help them achieve their goals.  The students are bright and engaged, especially
               during our Jeopardy sessions, and often have a different perspective that causes me to
               think more critically about the topics we discuss, such as freedom of speech, unlawful
               search and seizure or encounters with the police. I look forward to continuing to
               participate in The 3Rs for many years to come and, as my firm’s Team Captain, I look
               forward to recruiting new members to our team each year so that they too can be
               inspired by the younger generation.”  – Jennifer adaMs, ulMer & Berne llp,
               3rs TeaM CapTain and 13 year vOlunTeer

                                              “ The Summer Legal Academy was my formal introduction to the Cleveland legal community.
                                               I had the opportunity to talk with lawyers and judges about their profession, and I was able
                                               to put my critical thinking skills to the test by doing legal research and arguing motions. I
                                               credit the Legal Academy for implanting the vision that I can do the work of an attorney.”
                                               – xavier v. ThOMas-hughes, 1l geOrgeTOWn laW, B.s. frOM
                                               The OhiO sTaTe universiTy, WhiTney yOung high sChOOl

              “ here at oCLRE, we believe in empowering youth through civic engagement. The high
               School Mock Trial program is an extension of this belief because it engages students with
               an authentic, hands-on approach to the legal system. With the mock trial reaching over
               170 schools statewide, the program would not be possible without the dedication and
               support of our district and regional sites. The Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association
               has supported the program for many years; each year, oCLRE places approximately
               50 teams in Cuyahoga County for the district competition, making it our largest site
               statewide. Because of the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association’s support, we have
               been able to provide this valuable educational experience to countless students.”
               – danielle WilMOT, MOCk Trial prOgraM COOrdinaTOr aT
               The OhiO CenTer fOr laW-relaTed eduCaTiOn

            april 2019                                                                 CLEVELAND METROPOLITAN BAR JOURNAL  | 11
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