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BarJournal                   WOMEN IN LAW

                                     JULY/AUGUST  2015
      feaTure   But Still, Like Air, I’ll Rise

                        Advice for Women Attorneys of Color

                         Determined to Have Success on Their

                      Own Terms Despite Systemic Challenges


               or the past 20 years, there have been   attorneys, 3% of non-equity partners, and.   advancement. When discussing resilience in
               repeated calls to increase diversity in   only 2% of all equity partners in the Am   the face of unrelenting systemic obstacles, Dr.
               the legal profession from attorneys in   Law 200. 7             Maya Angelou famously wrote “But still, like
               private practice, in-house counsel, and   ... Black women lawyers find ourselves in the   air, I’ll rise.” Here are a few suggestions to guide
       F even the ABA:                        most precarious position in the legal profession.   your rise:
        •  In  1999,  the  chief  legal  officers  of  500   On nearly every quantifiable measure of success   •  Perfect Your Craft
          major corporations signed “Diversity in the   in private practice  — salary, representation   Systemic barriers relating to gender and
          Workplace – A Statement of Principle”  in the associate and partnership ranks, and   race are often buried under scrutiny of a
        •  In 2004, Sara Lee General Counsel Roderick   decision-making authority — Black women are   lawyer’s craft. For generations, black people
          Palmore created “A Call to Action: Diversity   ranked last or close to it. (See 2017 IILP Annual   have bemoaned that old saying: “be twice
          in the Legal Profession”            Review) Black women lawyers have also been   as good to get half the credit.” Research
        •  In 2016, the American Bar Association   leaving the practice of law at disheartening   shows that to be more truth than myth.
          adopted Resolution (ABA 113)        rates for decades. 8               In studies of law firm partners’ critiques
          Still, the numbers of attorneys of color and   In response to the 2019 open letter from   of identical writing samples, partners
        women reaching the top of the profession have   General Counsel, Don Prophete, a Black   graded the sample purportedly written by
        not improved. In January 2019, Paul Weiss   partner at Constangy, Brooks, Smith &   a white associate more favorably than the
        announced an all-white partnership class that   Prophete, diagnosed the problem as too   identical sample purportedly written by a
        included one woman attorney. Subsequently,   many pronouncements, resolutions, and   black associate finding more substantive
        170 General Counsel signed an open letter to   commitments, with very little action. 9  and technical errors in the black associate’s
        “Law Firm Partners” again demanding diversity.  To move the needle towards systemic   purported work product. Unfortunately,
          The Paul Weiss class demonstrates the broader   change, clear, intentional, and deliberate   female partners and black partners were
        trend. The legal profession’s tendency towards   commitment and guidance in the form of   no more even-handed in their critiques.
        regression, even as focus on diversity increases, is   consistent, zealous, and supportive action   They graded their fellow female and black
        hard to deny or reconcile. A National Association   has to come from those at the top. Top level   lawyers, respectively, more harshly as well.
        of Women Lawyers (NAWL) 2017 Annual   management must foster an atmosphere   Unconscious and confirmation bias were
        Survey Report revealed that “[f]or over a decade   that encourages frank conversations on all   to blame. There is no room for the female
        now, approximately 50% of this country’s law   aspects of diversity, including race and gender.   attorney of color to be average. Therefore,
        students have been women and law firms have   Top level management must also invest in   put concerted effort toward cultivating
        recruited male and female entry-level associates   improving both the recruitment and retention   your craft. Develop a reputation for being
        in approximately equal numbers (50% men and   processes (including addressing the ways that   smart, strategic, thorough and reliable.
        50% women).”  Yet, women lose ground as they   unconscious bias impacts hiring, employee   Your excellence will expose any pre-textual
        progress through the profession, despite the fact   evaluation, opportunity distribution, and   barriers to advancement.
        that women make up 46% of associates, 42% of   promotions), without primarily relying upon   •  Find Mentors and Cultivate Sponsors
        non-partner track attorneys, 30% of non-equity   women or persons of color to lead systemic   “What you know” works hand-in-hand with
        partners, and 20% of equity partners. 6  reforms or diversity efforts. 10  “who you know.” Mentoring relationships, both
          Women of color face the double burden of   As is clear from the last 20 years, the diversity   horizontal and vertical, are key to building a
        gender and racial bias, and their numbers in   disconnect — increasing calls for diversity, yet   support network for success. Work to establish
        top ranking positions within the profession   stagnant or decreasing numbers of diverse   genuine, not opportunistic, connections.
        pale in comparison to their colleagues as a   attorneys — has to be addressed from multiple   Don’t make the mistake of only seeking out
        result. According to the same NAWL Survey   angles. But until that needle starts to move,   relationships with people who look like you.
        Report, women of color represent 10% of   women of color must create success, on their   White men are uniquely situated to help
        law firm associates, 7% of non-partner track   own terms, despite the systemic barriers to   advance women and minorities without fear
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