Page 29 - December 2019 Bar Journal
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            disputes involving “the validity of all or a   Until  these  arguments  are
            part of the trust instrument[.]” This means   court vetted, though, some
            Ohio’s  trust-arbitration  statute  is  available   uncertainty regarding a trust-  PROS & CONS
            as to issues of interpretation, construction,   arbitration clause’s enforceability   OF TRUST ARBITRATION
            administration, discretion, etc.   will   remain.  Regardless,
              For  attorneys  with  commercial-  estate planners can tell their   ADVANTAGES
            litigation backgrounds,  extra-judicial   clients that the Ohio General
            proceedings in which a neutral party   Assembly’s passage of H.B. 595   •  Flexibility: Settlor chooses the arbitrator or the
            hears facts and law before issuing a   demonstrates the legislature’s   criteria for selecting the arbitrator, decides the
            binding determination upon the parties is   support for trust arbitration.   procedure/governing rules, allocates responsibility,
            nothing new. Many people unknowingly   Whether the clients need an   and defines the type of disputes to be arbitrated.
            submit to arbitration clauses each day   arbitration clause is another   •  Finances: Can be faster and cheaper than standard
            when they click online forms or open   question. Arguments can be   litigation, and the ability to allocate costs to the
            bank accounts.                     made that trust arbitration’s   losing party or as part of administrative expenses
              Arbitration is unfamiliar to estate-  advantages — the flexibility for   can help encourage resolution.
            planning attorneys because an arbitration   the settlor to set out the process,
            clause’s enforceability depends upon mutual   the ability to avoid the cost of   •  Finality: The decision will be binding on all
            consent — often set out in a written contract   litigation, and the finality of   parties, and there will be limited ability to appeal
            that all parties sign. Since a trust is not   arbitration decisions — are also   as an arbitration award can be overturned
                                                                              pursuant to only R.C. § 2711.10.
            a contract, the ability to submit a trust’s   weaknesses, but this is a decision
            beneficiaries to binding arbitration — even   for the settlor to make with the   •  Privacy: As much trust planning is done to avoid
            with R.C. §5802.05 — raises uncertainty   assistance of counsel.   probate and public records, arbitration helps
            that could deter many estate planners from   At the very least, estate   maintain privacy and prevents precedent from
            recommending such provisions.      planners can tell clients that one   being created.
              The arguments for enforcing trust-  drafter of the U.S. Constitution
            arbitration provisions can be distilled to   believed estate arbitration was a   DISADVANTAGES
            (1) intent and (2) equitable estoppel. As    good idea.
            the Ohio Supreme Court of Ohio held                             •  Novelty: While states such as Washington
                                                                              (2001), Arizona (2008), Florida (2013, and this
            in  Pack v. Osborn, 117 Ohio St.3d 14                             state allows arbitration clauses in both wills and
            (2008),  a  court’s  primary  responsibility   Timothy Gallagher   trusts), Missouri (2013), New Hampshire (2014),
            when reviewing a trust is to ascertain       is an attorney at    and South Dakota (2015) have passed legislation
            the settlor’s intent. Similarly, Ohio courts   Reminger Co., LPA   allowing Trust arbitration, the concept remains
            should give weight and deference to a        and    practices     largely untested in the courts.
            settlor’s intent to include an arbitration   primarily  in  the
            clause. The Supreme Court of Texas’s   firm’s Estates, Trusts, and   •  Flexibility: Vague or ambiguous arbitration
            holding in Rachal v. Reitz, 403 S.W.3d 840,   Probate Litigation practice   provisions could lead to further disputes about
                                                                              the process, unintended delay, and placement of
            847 (Tex. 2013) summarized the equitable   group. He has been CMBA   too much discretion in the arbitrator that could
            estoppel argument as “a beneficiary who   member since 2017. He can be   diminish procedural safeguards in place from the
            attempts to enforce rights that would not   reached at (216) 687-1311 and   Rules of Evidence and Civil Procedure.
            exist without the trust manifest[s] her
            assent to the trust’s arbitration clause.”                      •  Finances: The arbitrator will expect payment from
              Santa Clara University School Law                               the trust or its beneficiaries that, coupled with the
            Professor E. Gary Spitko took these          Paul Shugar is  an   respective costs each beneficiary incurs, can add
                                                                              up quickly.
            arguments even father in  The Will As An     attorney at Reminger
            Implied Unilateral Arbitration Contract,     Co.,  LPA   and    •  Finality: As arbitration awards cannot be
            68 Fla. L. Rev. 49 (2016). In that article,   practices primarily in   overturned or modified easily — and only upon
            Spitko argued that an implied contract       the firm’s Estates,   the arbitrator overstepping his/her authority or
            arises between a testator and the state   Trusts,  and  Probate  Litigation   other misconduct occurring — an improper
            for the state to honor the testator’s   practice group. He has been CMBA   arbitration decision can be difficult to correct.
            donative intent. Spitko claims that, in   member since 2010. He can be   •  Involuntary: U.S. Supreme Court precedent
            consideration for the testator creating   reached at (216) 687-1311 or   recognizes that arbitration is strictly a matter
            and preserving wealth to the benefit      of consent. As arbitration usually results from
            of the state, the state should honor the                          two parties mutually consenting to the process
            testator’s  intent  regarding  how  that                          as part of a contract, there are questions about
            wealth is distributed upon death. This   Further information on this topic   trust arbitration’s enforceability without the
            argument could be used in support of an   can be found at  beneficiaries’ mutual consent.
            arbitration clause’s enforceability.   OhioEstateandTrustDispute.

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