Page 30 - December 2019 Bar Journal
P. 30


                                            COLLATERAL DAMAGE

                                            LAWYERS MIRED IN PENN STATE

                                            SANDUSKY SCANDAL

                                                                                              Brian F. Toohey

            ’m the proud father of five grown   Fina first. He prosecuted Sandusky and   them to escape prosecution. Board Report
            children. That tells you I have endured   helped investigate the case against the   & Recommendations, Office of Disciplinary
            a slew of college campus visits. Most   three executives. His alleged misconduct   Counsel v. Fina, supra, June 6, 2019 at 27, 35.
            memorable was Penn State. Daughter   arose out of seeking a grand jury subpoena   An Ohio prosecutor would likely be in
        IMimi and I learned a lot about Joe   for Ms. Baldwin. Despite a Board Panel’s   a  similar  fix.  No  Rule  3.10  here,  but  we
        Paterno and Nitany Lion football.   earlier recommendation that the charges   have Rule 3.8: Special Responsibilities of a
          Shortly after our visit, Jerry Sandusky’s child   be dismissed, the full Board wants him   Prosecutor. Subpoenas to lawyers in criminal
        molestation charges and Penn State’s decade-  suspended for a year and a day. That extra   proceedings issue only when a prosecutor
        long cover-up erupted. Joe Paterno became   day creates additional hoops to jump through   “reasonably believes” the information sought
        “Joe Who?”, and Mimi’s application list shrank   before being reinstated. The Board says Fina   is “not protected from disclosure by any
        by one.                             misled the judge who issued Ms. Baldwin’s   applicable privilege.” ORPC 3.8 (e) (1).
          Sandusky was recently back in the news. An   subpoena by promising not to delve into   We learn early in our careers that there
        appellate court concluded that the minimum   conversations with her flesh and blood clients   are two sides to every story. Fina’s defense
        piece of his 30 to 60 year sentence on 45 counts   – President Spanier, Vice-President Schultz   counsel describes Fina’s questions as
        of child molestation had been miscalculated.   and Athletic Director Curley. Penn State   “carefully  circumscribed”  and  focusing  on
        His resentencing probably won’t make much   obviously could not testify, but its emails   non-privileged communications. He labels
        difference; Sandusky turns 76 in January 2020.  spoke loudly, especially the ones following   the Board’s decision “unprecedented,” and
          Joe Paterno is dead. Three former Penn   a 2001 report of Sandusky showering naked   inconsistent with “five trial court opinions”
        State executives (president, vice-president   with a child visitor. Anyway, Disciplinary   finding Fina satisfied his ethical obligations.
        and athletic director), came away relatively   Counsel alleged Fina violated 204 Pa. Code   Law360, (June 6, 2019).
        unscathed, compared to what might have   Rule 3.10, requiring prosecutors to obtain   What about Ms. Baldwin?
        happened. More serious charges were   advance approval before compelling “…  A former Pennsylvania Supreme Justice
        thrown out due to alleged misconduct by   the attorney/witness to provide evidence   who became Penn State’s General Counsel,
        two prominent lawyers with significant roles   concerning a person who is or has been   Baldwin stands accused of numerous ethical
        in the 2012 investigation that preceded the   represented by the attorney/witness.”   violations  — competency (1.1), disclosure of
        executives’ indictments.              Comment (1) to the rule says the court   confidences (1.6), conflicts of interest (1.7)
          The lawyers still dealing with the disaster   must conclude, after hearing, that “…the   and misconduct (8.4). Her mistake was not
        are  former  Deputy  Attorney General  Frank   information sought is not protected…by   thinking twice before representing multiple
        Fina and former Penn State General Counsel   the attorney-client privilege or the work   clients  when  the  storm  hit  Happy  Valley.
        Cynthia Baldwin.                    product doctrine.”                 Good general counsels (and good lawyers
          Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court will soon   The Board concluded:        representing organizations) frequently give
        rule on their disciplinary charges. You can find   Respondent was successful in convincing   a version of this speech to already nervous
        the cases at  Office of Disciplinary Counsel v.   the court that a hearing was not necessary.   members of management: “I represent the
        Fina, 166 DB 2017 Disciplinary Board of the   Respondent then  proceeded to do  exactly   organization, not individual members of
        Supreme Court of Pennsylvania and Office of   what he had represented ... he would not do   the organization.”
        Disciplinary Counsel v. Cynthia A. Baldwin,   ... Respondent turned Ms. Baldwin into a   Baldwin  met with  the three individuals
        2587 DD3 Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Don   witness for the prosecution against her clients   without warning them she was not their
        your Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice   ... Respondent’s misconduct ultimately   lawyer, met with Fina, accompanied her
        costume and decide how you would rule on   resulted in serious criminal charges being   clients to the grand jury, and testified before
        their not-so-hypothetical cases.      quashed against three individuals, allowing   the grand jury.

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