Page 71 - EW July 2024
P. 71

the fundamental problem of scarcity                               for public education has averaged 3.5
         of educational  institutions  and  the                            percent of GDP. Consequently, 21st
         intense competition for limited seats.                            century India hosts 300 million adult
         This scarcity drives the demand for                               illiterates, public K-12 education is in a
         test prep services and fuels the high-                            shambles and GER (gross enrollment
         pressure environment that leads to                                ratio) in higher education is 27 percent
         unethical practices. We need to liber-                            cf. 85 percent in South Korea.
         ally build and enhance educational in-                              The scale and impact of the NEET-
         stitutions across the country — India                             UG  2024  contretemps  has  again
         needs two world-class universities in                             highlighted the sustained neglect of
         every district. Of course this is easier                          education and human resource devel-
         said than done, but we must start                                 opment by successive administrations
         somewhere. The stakes are too high to                             and the establishment. The NEET-UG
         delay any further,” says Atul Khosla,                             scandal is the inevitable outcome of
         Vice Chancellor of Shoolini Univer-                               this national blindspot. It has shaken
         sity,  Himachal  Pradesh  (estb.2009)                             the faith and trust of students, par-
         ranked #1 in the state in the EW India   Khosla: capacity building solution  ents and teachers communities in the
         Private University Rankings 2024-25.                              country’s education system which has
           Yet expanding  capacity  in medi-  tion  (Centre  plus  states)  equivalent   a long history of public exam mal-
         cal and higher education in general   to  6  percent  of  GDP.  Despite  the   practices because of capacity shortage
         requires greater investment in public   election manifestos of every major   across the spectrum.
         education, a proposition that your edi-  political party routinely promising to   Restoring this massive loss of faith
         tors have been advancing for 25 years.   implement this recommendation, the   requires more than band-aid solu-
         Way back in 1967 the high-powered   promise has been practiced more in   tions from the new BJP-led NDA 3.0
         Kothari Commission recommended   the breach than observance. For over   government which has begun its new
         annual expenditure in public educa-  seven decades annual expenditure   shaky innings on the backfoot.

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