Page 66 - EW July 2024
P. 66

Special Report

         We will not compromise on transpar-
         ency,” said Pradhan.
           But the minister’s assurances
         provide little comfort to the 2.4 mil-
         lion school-leavers who had swotted
         for months preparing for this public
         exam which is the gateway for admis-
         sion  into  the  country’s  prized  706
         medical  colleges,  in  particular  389
         government colleges offering highly
         subsidised medical education. Stu-
         dents’ demonstrations are swelling
         in major cities and towns and parents
         are banding to file a spate of new writ
         petitions for and against cancellation
         of NEET-UG 2024, even as new rev-
         elations of question paper leakages   Pandey: NTA has no answers  Tyagi: high scores fallout
         and special pre-exam classes having
         been held in Bihar, UP and Gujarat   that NTA conducts 42 national exams   but for suspicious grades inflation.
         for students who paid Rs.30-40 lakh   with just 426 employees. “This shows   Gaurav Tyagi, founder-director
         for leaked question papers, are hitting   that NTA relies heavily on outsourc-  of Career Xpert, a Noida-based firm
         newspaper headlines every day.   ing its work. These outsiders could be   which  provides  medical  college  ad-
         “       IT’S SHOCKING  THAT THE   Moreover,  what  is  NTA’s  explana-  NEET-PG aspirants, says that unusu-
                                                                           mission counseling to NEET-UG and
                                          involved in leaking question papers.
                                                                           ally  high  scores  in  NEET-UG  2024
                 NTA has mismanaged such
                                          tion for massive grades inflation this
                 a  high  stakes  examination
                                          into the highest levels of education.
                 affecting  over  2.4  million   year? Sadly, corruption has seeped   have intensified “already cut-throat
                                                                           competition  for  MBBS  (undergrad)
                 school-leavers.  It  com-  Government needs to go beyond ritu-  seats.”
         pletely disregarded earlier warnings   al cleansing of NTA to restore parents   “Students in the 620-720 band who
         in May of a question paper leak, and   and students’ faith in NEET and other   would have had no trouble getting ad-
         even after students pointed out gross   exams,” adds Pandey.      mission into a top-ranked government
         anomalies in NEET-UG 2024 results,   The fallout of grades inflation in   medical college of choice will have to
         it failed to accept responsibility. Only   NEET-UG 2024 is of enormous pro-  accept admission into second and
         after writ petitions were filed in the   portions. In previous years, all stu-  third choice colleges often far from
         Supreme  Court,  NTA  admitted  to   dents with NEET scores of 640-720   home. Alternatively they will have to
         awarding grace marks to over 1,500   would have been ranked among top   sign up with private medical colleges
         students. Cancelling these  grace   10,000 qualifying them for admission   which will multiply their cost of edu-
         marks is of no help to students and   into a highly-subsidised government   cation. Some students may decide to
         their parents who have made huge   medical college of their choice. This   take a year off to prepare for NEET
         sacrifices to prepare for NEET. This   year, a student with a similar score   2025. Indeed, this is a cheaper option
         grades inflation has left the majority   is ranked in the top 30,000-40,000   than signing up with private colleges.
         of students in the lurch, with admis-  which rules out admission in a govern-  I also expect a rise in the number of
         sion cut-offs having hit the roof. NTA   ment college of their choice.   Indian students enrolling with medi-
         has no answers also to centre fixing   Moreover in 2023, only 13,911 (0.6   cal colleges in the Philippines, China,
         allegations — why were students from   percent) of the 2.3 million students   Russia, Georgia and Ukraine. In India,
         Odisha and Madhya Pradesh allotted   who wrote NEET secured marks in the   the five-year MBBS course in a pri-
         test centers in Godhra, Gujarat, and   620-720 band. However, in NEET-UG   vate medical college costs Rs.60 lakh-
         not their home states?” queries Dr.   2024, the number of students in this   1.4 crore as against Rs.25-40 lakh in
         Vivek Pandey, a Madhya Pradesh-  score band has jumped four-fold to   Georgia and the Philippines. More-
         based social-political and RTI activist   58,263  (2.3  percent).  Therefore  the   over, all this is likely to increase de-
         and whistleblower, who is assisting   admission cut-off of government med-  pendence on coaching schools which
         several NEET-UG students to file writ   ical colleges has risen from 610 to 650,   will see a surge in enrollment as stu-
         petitions in the courts.         disqualifying  30,000  students  who   dents look to improve their scores next
            According to Pandey, an RTI ap-  would  have qualified for  admission   year,” says Tyagi.
         plication  he  filed  in  2022  revealed   into low–priced government colleges   Curiously, although India hosts the

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