Page 62 - EW July 2024
P. 62

Special Report



         Reports of widespread cheating, favouritism and swindles in NEET-UG 2024
         have generated the first storm of the new Parliament convened on June 24.
         That’s bad news for the weakened BJP/NDA 3.0 government, and especially
         for re-inducted Union education minister Dharmendra Pradhan

         Summiya Yasmeen

         W                         ITH EVIDENCE EMERGING   leaks and swindles in NEET-UG 2024 have generated the

                                   on a daily basis that there
                                                          first storm of the new Parliament convened on June 24.
                                                          That’s bad news for the weakened BJP/NDA government
                                   was widespread cheating
                                                          and especially for Union education minister Dharmendra
                                   and bribery in the NEET-
                                                          Pradhan, who has been re-inducted into Shastri Bhavan,
                                   UG  (National  Eligibili-
                                                             The embarrassment suffered by the new BJP/NDA gov-
                                                          ernment at the Centre is likely to be serious because the
                                   examination  written by   Delhi.
                                   2.4 million school-leavers   decision to replace medical college entrance exams hith-
         aspiring for admission into medical colleges countrywide,   erto administered by state governments with a common
         the newly sworn-in BJP/Modi government at the Centre   national exam — (NEET-UG) — for admission into all 706
         has got off to a shaky start. Coincidently results of NEET-  medical colleges countrywide was of the BJP/NDA 2.0 gov-
         UG — a centralised national exam for aspirant medical   ernment in 2016. The rationale of NEET-UG advanced at
         practitioners introduced in 2016 — were announced on the   the time — endorsed by the Supreme Court — was that it
         very day (June 4) that General Election 2024 results were   saves students the expense, time and inconvenience of hav-
         declared by the Election Commission of India.    ing to write multiple entrance exams of state governments
            In the recently concluded General Election, upending   in the hope of bagging a prized seat in a highly-subsidised
         all expectation and opinion poll forecasts, the ruling BJP   government-promoted medical college. In 2017, a National
         was cut to size with its 303 seats in the Lok Sabha reduced   Testing Agency (NTA) was established to conduct NEET-
         to 240. Although together with its NDA (National Demo-  UG and several other national entrance exams including
         cratic Alliance) allies it bagged 293 seats in the 543-strong   IIT-JEE, UGC-NET among others.
         Lok Sabha, the BJP with prime minister Narendra Modi   However according to some educationists, NTA was es-
         at the helm has formed the BJP/NDA 3.0 government at   tablished hurriedly without due care and diligence to create
         the Centre, reports of widespread cheating, question paper   well-paid “jobs for the boys”, i.e, ideologically aligned party

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