Page 63 - EW July 2024
P. 63

Students countrywide protesting NEET-UG 2024 mismanagement: unprecedented scale

         sympathisers. This is substantiated by NTA suffering em-  over unprecedented grades inflation, NTA disclosed that
         barrassment ab initio for glitches while conducting national   1,563 examinees (including 44 of the 67 perfect scorers)
         examinations written by thousands of students clamouring   had been awarded “grace marks” to compensate for “loss of
         for admission into the country’s much-too-few acceptable   time” complaints during the single national pen-and-paper
         quality higher education institutions.           test held on May 5.
           In NEET-UG 2020 it incorrectly declared a student in   Unsurprisingly, dozens of writ petitions have been filed
         Madhya Pradesh had scored only 6 marks in the exam, an   in the Supreme Court by students and coaching institutes
         egregious error that drove her to suicide. Later, NTA is-  demanding a thorough and independent investigation of
         sued a clarification that she had scored 590, provoking a   NTA’s mismanagement of NEET-UG 2024. In particular
         huge public outcry. In 2022, NTA was widely criticised for   the media and independent investigators have highlighted
         mismanagement of the IIT-JEE (Main) 2022 examination   that grace marks had been awarded only to students who
         during which “technical issues” resulted in abnormally low   wrote NEET-UG in six centres in Delhi, Haryana and Chat-
         scores for many students. The agency also drew heavy flak   tisgarh whereas the exam was written in 4,750 centres in 29
         for bungling the inaugural Common University Entrance   states and seven Union territories. Even as this puzzle was
         Test (CUET) introduced in 2022 for admission into the   being deciphered, whistleblowers on social media reported
         country’s 56 Central government universities.    a NEET exam paper FIR (first information report) filed in
           However this time round, the scale of NTA’s misman-  Bihar and a police complaint against ‘centre fixing’ filed in
         agement of NEET-UG 2024 in which 2.4 million students   Godhra, Gujarat.
         competed for a mere 1 lakh medical college seats is unprec-  On June 13 the NEET-UG entrance exam mess became
         edented. For the first time, 67 school-leavers scored a per-  messier. NTA informed the Supreme Court that it has can-
         fect 720 (cf. two in 2023) with several thousand awarded   celled the grace marks awarded to 1,563 candidates and
         distinction scores of 650-720.                   offered them a re-test option on June 23. While accepting
           This steep grades inflation and consequent high cut-offs   NTA’s decision, the two-judge bench rapped the agency
         stipulated by 706 medical colleges countrywide have dashed   for violating the “sanctity” of the exam and recommended
         the hopes of several thousand teens of qualifying as medical   stringent punishment “even if there is 0.001 percent negli-
         practitioners. Moreover, following extensive public protests   gence on the part of anyone”. However, the apex court de-

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