Page 64 - EW July 2024
P. 64

Special Report

         clined to cancel NEET-UG 2024 and/                                second  baptism  by  fire.  Initially  he
         or postpone the admission counseling                              refused to admit any irregularity in the
         and seat allotment processes sched-                               “motivated” NEET-UG 2024 contro-
         uled to start on July 6, while adjourn-                           versy. But subsequently he has been
         ing hearing petitions to July 8.                                  forced to backtrack, promising that
         M           EDICAL EDUCATION                                      paper leakage and marks manipula-
                                                                           NTA  and  other  officials  involved  in
                                                                           tion would receive the “harshest pun-
                     highly prized by India’s
                                                                             Moreover  on  June  20,  after  the
                     influential 200 million-                              ishment”.
         strong middle class which dominates                               education ministry ordered cancella-
         industry, academia, government and                                tion of the UGC-NET — an exam con-
         legal profession. They guarantee high                             ducted twice annually by the NTA to
         income and social status in a society in                          determine the eligibility of candidates
         which the doctor-population ratio is a                            for the positions of assistant professor
         lopsided 0.7 per 1,000 (cf. the WHO                               and Ph D admissions — following re-
         recommended 1:1,000), and are also                                ports that the exam paper had leaked
         passports  to  lucrative assignments   Pradhan: "full moral responsibility"  on the dark net, a visibly chastened
         and practice abroad. Therefore, par-                              Pradhan called a press conference
         ents often make great financial sacri-  year. And students admitted into the   and took “full moral responsibility” for
         fices to enroll teenage school-leavers   discretionary ‘management’ quota of   the NEET-UG debacle and UGC-NET
         in specialised test prep centres — a   private medical colleges have to fork   exam cancellation.
         massive Rs.58,000 crore annual rev-  out Rs.15-32 lakh per year.  Therefore   “Be it NTA or any top official or se-
         enue industry — to drill and skill stu-  there’s a frenzied annual race for the   nior person in NTA, strict action will
         dents to top NEET-UG and qualify for   56,300 seats in 389 government col-  be taken against whoever is found
         admission into government medical   leges to study for a medical degree at   guilty in the case. No malpractice will
         colleges which provide medical edu-  rock-bottom prices with toppers ad-  be tolerated and the government is
         cation at over-subsidised prices.   mitted into the best equipped AIIMS   committed to holding zero-error ex-
           For instance, highest ranked stu-  colleges paying (tuition and residence)   ams. The government has formed a
         dents eligible for admission into the   a mere Rs.1,00-1,500 per month.   high-level committee which will in-
         country’s 19 AIIMS (All India Insti-  With the stakes so high and the   vestigate several issues pertaining to
         tute of Medical Sciences) colleges pay   NEET-UG 2024 fiasco making front   the NTA. Recommendations will be
         annual  tuition  of  a  mere  Rs.1,000-  page headlines in print, television and   expected from that high-level com-
         17,500 per year. In other government   social media, and a newly-strength-  mittee  to  further  improve  NTA,  its
         medical colleges, fees range between   ened Opposition led by the rejuvenat-  structure, functioning, examination
         Rs.5,000-55,000  per  year  (for  five   ed Congress Party cornering the less   process, transparency, and data secu-
         years).  In  the  317  private  medical   than month-old BJP-led NDA 3.0 gov-  rity protocol. I want to assure every-
         colleges, officially  approved  tuition   ernment, education minister Dhar-  one that the government is committed
         ranges  between  Rs.10-25  lakh  per   mendra  Pradhan  experienced a   to protecting the interests of students.

           NEET-UG 2024 DATA

                                                                     No. of seats available
              2.4   Students                   67    students attained
             million  wrote NEET                the maximum possible    Government colleges: 56,300
                                                score of 720 (cf. 2 in 2023)  Private colleges: 52,640

              13    Languages
                                                                     Tuition fees (5 years)
                                               58,263    scored in the

            4,750   Centres                    620-720 band          Government colleges: Rs.6,000 - 2.25 lakh
                    countrywide                (cf. 13,911 in 2023)  Private colleges: Rs.60 lakh-1.4 crore

         64    EDUCATIONWORLD   JULY 2024
   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69