Page 67 - EW July 2024
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largest  number  of  medical  colleges
         worldwide  (706),  they  offer  a  mere
         108,940  seats  —  56,300  in  govern-
         ment and 52,640 in private colleges —
         annually for undergrad (MBBS) medi-
         cal education. Conversely, China’s 420
         colleges provide 286,000 seats. This
         paradox is because of government
         rules adopted by the National Medi-
         cal  Commission  (NMC,  estb.2020),
         the successor medical education and
         practice regulatory body of the scan-
         dal-tainted Medical Council of India,
         which mandate that every medical
         college  should  have  an  “attached”
         P        RECONDITIONS FOR estab-  Kota coaching schools: school-leavers epicentre

                  lishment of a medical col-
                  lege include minimum 20
                  acres  of  land  (relaxed  to   sustain the Rs.58,000 crore test prep   Supreme Court ruled that a Central
         10 acres in metros) and a 300-bed at-  aka coaching industry. Millions of   NEET-UG written annually country-
         tached fully equipped hospital, which   dazed school-leavers are herded into   wide is a preferable undergraduates
         should have been functional for at   offline and online coaching classes   admissions exam.
         least two years at the time of applica-  where they swot to make it into the   Subsequently, the inaugural NEET-
         tion for registering a new medical col-  rank of top 56,000 students admit-  UG was conducted in 2016 by the Del-
         lege. Moreover, NMC rules mandate   ted into government medical colleges   hi-based Central Board of Secondary
         differing  size  attached  hospitals  for   annually.  In  Kota,  the  epicenter  of   Examination  (CBSE),  the  country’s
         colleges with larger student numbers.   India’s tests-prep coaching industry,   largest school-leaving examination
         These complex administrative re-  over 300 coaching schools drill and   board with 29,662 affiliated schools.
         quirements drive up cost of promot-  skill an estimated 2.5 lakh students   The following year (2017), the BJP-
         ing greenfield medical colleges, and   annually  for  the  NEET-UG  exam.   led NDA government established the
         eventually tuition fees.         Under extreme pressure to be ranked   National Testing Agency (NTA) as “a
           Dr. Devi Shetty, renowned car-  among the Top 56,000, dozens end   premier, specialist, autonomous and
         diologist and chairman of Narayana   their lives by suicide. In 2023, 27 stu-  self-sustained testing organisation to
         Health City, Bengaluru, is highly   dents resorted to suicide in Kota — the   conduct entrance examinations for
         critical of these preconditions for pro-  largest number ever.    admission/fellowship in higher edu-
         moting medical colleges. “In India, it   According to monitors of the edu-  cational  institutions”. It  was  tasked
         costs  at  least  Rs.400  crore  to  build   cation system, transformation of   with  conducting  42  national  exams
         a medical college. In the Caribbean,   NEET-UG  into  a  centralized  high-  including the IIT-JEE, NEET-UG,
         35 medical colleges are training doc-  stakes single annual exam is rooted in   UGC-NET, among others.
         tors for the US in 50,000 sq. ft rented   widespread distrust of education stan-  However  despite  NTA’s  several
         premises in shopping malls with stu-  dards of state governments. Before in-  gaffes since 2017 when it was estab-
         dents interning with public hospitals.   troduction of NEET-UG in 2016, every   lished, some informed monitors of
         In India, we have made medical edu-  state government conducted its own   India’s obsolete education system ad-
         cation an elitist affair… this country   common entrance test (CET) for ad-  vise patience with centralised exams
         requires liberation of medical, nurs-  mission into government and private   and NTA. “NTA is a young organisa-
         ing and paramedical education from   medical colleges (also engineering and   tion and as the recent NEET-UG exam
         burdensome official regulation,” says   other  professional  colleges)  within   debacle shows, it has much to learn.
         Dr. Shetty. (See  their jurisdiction. However, with some   Fair and error-free testing at scale is
         watch?v=IuMCGjjwyRI).            students complaining that they had to   possible only  when  exam  processes
           An over-regulated medical educa-  incur the expense and inconvenience   and systems are refined to extremely
         tion system and middle class aspira-  of travelling to write entrance exams   high quality standards. Unfortunately,
         tion  for  the  prized  medical  degree   of different states and worry about   NTA has not invested sufficiently in
         have coalesced to create, drive and   clash  of  exam  dates,  in  2016,  the   establishing fool-proof processes and

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