Page 69 - EW July 2024
P. 69

tion and making it the base for careers
         (and) restoring the rights of States to
         determine their selection process for
         professional courses,” he tweeted.
           But although the causes of social
         justice and inclusivity may be served
         by the TN government’s contention,
         the ground zero reality is that with 67
         school exam boards operational across
         the country, there are wide variations
         in education quality and assessment
         standards. Medical education experts
         argue that non-standardisation and
         wide variation in scores awarded by
         state boards necessitates a common
         pan-India test for aspiring medical
         practitioners.                   Stalin: broken system            Rao: school improvement precondition
         “       THE CURRENT NEET crisis   Calcutta high court alleging irregu-  Election  2024  campaign  had  high-

                                          larities and corruption in annual TET
                 is symptomatic of a failed
                                                                           lighted corruption-free governance
                 state that is unable to ensure
                                          the ruling TMC government’s educa-
                                                                           in office at the Centre. After initially
                 high-quality school educa-  exams. In July 2022, the CBI arrested   as its biggest achievement of a decade
                 tion. Like in most countries,   tion minister Partha Chatterjee after   denying charges of negligence, nepo-
         standardised schooling of good quality   a huge stash of Rs.100 crore in bank   tism and hasty establishment of NTA,
         enables admission to colleges based   notes was found in the flat of his mis-  Union education minister Dharmen-
         on marks obtained in the final school   tress. Similar exam scams plague most   dra Pradhan has gone into full damage
         examination. But in India, since stan-  states of the country. The outcome of   control mode. He sacked NTA chief
         dards are so varied and quality not   continuous and uninterrupted cor-  Subodh Kumar and appointed retired
         assured, examinations for most pro-  ruption in public exams is that it has   IAS officer Pradeep Singh Kharola as
         fessional courses are centralised. Due   eroded public faith and trust in the   the new Director-General; ordered a
         to the tough competition, commit-  larger system.                 CBI inquiry into the scam; and con-
         ting irregularities for monetary gains   Highly respected public intellectual   stituted a high-level seven-member
         becomes a great incentive. Clearly,   Dr. Pratap Bhanu Mehta, a former   committee under the chairmanship of
         the  long-term  solution  is  improv-  vice chancellor of the top-ranked pri-  Dr. K. Radhakrishnan, former chair-
         ing schooling quality, decentralising   vate Ashoka University, warns that the   man,  ISRO  and  chairman  Board  of
         examinations, and institutionalising   adverse impact of centralised national   Governors, IIT-Kanpur, to “improve
         strict oversight and governance to re-  exams such as NEET-UG could erode   functioning of NTA and ensure trans-
         store confidence and credibility. Till   public faith in the democratic system   parent, smooth and fair conduct of
         that is done, the leakage of papers   of governance. “Exams function as   examinations”.
         will continue to plague us,” writes K.   a legitimating ideology in a system   Moreover on June 21, the BJP-led
         Sujatha Rao, former Union health   marked by extreme scarcity. The more   NDA government notified the Public
         secretary, Government of India in the   relative scarcity we produce, by failing   Examinations (Prevention of Unfair
         Indian Express (June 21).        to create more and better institutions,   Means) Act 2024. The Act mandates
           Given the mad annual scramble for   by failing to create jobs, the more the   stringent  penalties  for  those  found
         admission into a limited number of   stakes in the exam system. So a col-  guilty of exam malpractices including
         good quality, top-ranked HEIs, scams,   lapse in trust in the exam system is   a minimum jail term of three years,
         scandals and question paper leakages   tantamount to a collapse in trust in   extendable to five years, plus a fine
         are also ubiquitous in state-level ex-  the system as a whole,” warns Mehta   of  up  to  Rs.10  lakh  for  individuals
         ams. But the scale of their impact is   in The Indian Express (June 25).  involved in leaking question papers
         limited. For instance in the eastern   Unprecedented middle class anger   or tampering with answer sheets.
         state of West Bengal, the Teacher Eli-  against the shame and scandals in   Service providers involved in public
         gibility Test (TET) exam for recruit-  NEET-UG  2024  emerging  everyday   exam frauds can be fined up to Rs.1
         ment of government school teachers   has become a huge embarrassment   crore and sentenced to five-10 years
         has been a running scandal since 2012   for the newly sworn-in Modi-led NDA   in prison for malfeasance.
         with a spate of petitions filed in the   3.0 government, which in its General   “This  Act  was  much-needed  and

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