Page 79 - EW July 2024
P. 79


         Vignettes of six            PRIME MINISTERIAL                             appease conservative Mus-
                                                                                   lims (even Sonia Gandhi
         PMs                         DECISION-MAKING IN INDIA                      did not agree with him)
                                     Neerja Chowdhury
                                                                                   following the Shah Bano
                                     ALEPH BOOK COMPANY                            judgment, unlocking the
            N HER STUDY OF           Rs.999                                        gates of controversial Babri
            India prime ministers                                                  Masjid-Ram Janmab-
         Irenowned journalist        Pages 578                                     hoomi to appease Hindu
         Neerja Chowdhury begins                                                   sentiment and promising
         with Indira Gandhi and six                                                Ram Rajya to kick off his
         prime ministers until Man-  she rightly bemoans the   In her study of six   1989 election campaign, he
         mohan Singh. Notably, she   current fashion of rubbish-  India prime ministers,   destroyed his credentials
         skips five short-tenured   ing Nehru.             this renowned           and goodwill.
         prime ministers, despite   Her contextualisa-     journalist begins with    V.P. Singh’s short
         their regimes having     tion of the office of prime   Indira Gandhi until   tenure as prime minister
         significantly altered Indian   minister linked to a host   Manmohan Singh,   is well-analysed depicting
         politics, as well as the pro-  of institutions is apt. So, if   skipping short tenure   his rise and fall. But he left
         cess of prime ministerial   the Prime Minister’s Office   PMs             an indelible footprint with
         decision-making.         (PMO) is created, not only                       his Mandal politics, which
           Yet, she presents an au-  does the cabinet system   in 1971. The 1975 judg-  redefined Indian politics
         thentic and candid account   decline ceding to the prime   ment of Justice JML Sinha   and governance of the
         of complex decisions taken   ministerial system, the   on the election petition   country. Singh’s statement
         by each of the six chosen   cabinet secretariat that   of Raj Narain declaring   to Chowdhury: “Some run
         PMs — post-resurrection   has constitutional sanction   her election null and void   governments…. I ran his-
         (Indira Gandhi), Shah    also declines relative to the   and unseating her from   tory. It will define govern-
         Bano (Rajiv Gandhi), post-  PMO.                 Parliament in June 1975,   ments and coalitions in the
         Mandal (V.P. Singh), post-  Chowdhury also under-  prompted her to declare   time to come,” sums up his
         demolition of the Babri   lines the different ways in   a national Emergency on   contribution to history. He
         Masjid (P.V. Narasimha   which the PMO functions.   June 25, 1975. But while   let out two genies – ‘Man-
         Rao), testing nuclear    Her analysis also clears   flagging the role of Sanjay   dal’ and ‘kamandal’ out of
         devices (Atal Bihari Va-  recent motivated narra-  Gandhi, Chowdhury rushes   the bottle and they haven’t
         jpayee) and Indo-US civil   tives that Nehru created   through this section. Her   been put back.
         nuclear deal (Manmohan   the PMO to function in an   decision to call a General   P.V. Narasimha Rao
         Singh).                  autocratic fashion. Rightly,   Election in 1977, knowing   has often been described
           Beginning with a       as Pai Panandiker-Mehra’s   fully well that she could   as the prime minister who
         well-analysed 19-page    (1996) study of cabinet   lose despite assurances   refused to decide, but his
         introduction, raising and   government highlighted,   of the IB, and her resur-  statement: ‘Jo hua voh
         underlining crucial issues   Shastri created a small   rection between 1977 and   theek hua…. Maine is liye
         and processes relating to   PMO to help him with   1980 were amazing acts of   hone diya… ki Bharatiya
         the office of prime min-  L.K. Jha as secretary. This   courage.          Janata Party ki mandir
         ister, Chowdhury quotes   was expanded by Indira    Rajiv Gandhi took over   ki rajniti hamesha ke liye
         powerful orator Atal Bihari   Gandhi, who revived and   as the prime minister   khatam ho jaye’ (What
         Vajpayee, ‘The higher you   expanded it after Morarji   following his mother’s as-  happened, happened for
         go, the more lonely you   Desai had limited its ex-  sassination, with President   good. I allowed it to hap-
         are.’ This sets the tone of   panse and worked through   Giani Zail Singh’s backing.   pen because I wanted the
         the analysis that depicts   the cabinet secretariat.  Beginning with immense   BJP’s temple politics to
         prime ministers as mere    Indira Gandhi’s politics   goodwill and the clean   finish for ever) was the
         mortals, attempting to   of neutralising the Syn-  slate of a non-political   outcome of a conscious
         survive amidst compet-   dicate is well-captured   leader, he unfortunately   decision. Yet his ‘non-deci-
         ing pressures, striving to   in this narrative. Despite   became “the secular prime   sion’ consolidated saffron
         triumph politically. In the   her claim that she did not   minister who undermined   politics for which he paid
         process, despite a short   believe in any ‘ism’, she   secularism”. Chowdhury’s   a heavy price personally
         tenure V.P. Singh changed   espoused socialism — the   analysis of his tenure   with his political cred-
         the politics of the country   result was centre-staging   details how with the false   ibility,  notwithstanding
         for all time to come. And   the slogan, garibi hatao,   steps of enacting a law to   India’s economic recovery

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