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         through liberalisation be-  perhaps explains Modi’s
         ing completely lost, even in   severe attack on Nehru   BEING MUSLIM IN HINDU
         his own party.           and his initiatives, many of   INDIA: A CRITICAL VIEW
           Chowdhury’s revelation   which he has tried to erase.  Zia Us Salam
         that Vajpayee was against   This book shines a      HARPERCOLLINS INDIA
         India going nuclear when   useful light on the office   Rs.599
         he was the external affairs   of prime minister and   Pages 310
         minister in the Morarji   Chowdhury dispassion-
         Desai cabinet after K.   ately contributes a number
         Subrahmanyam, Chairman   of hitherto unavailable
         of the Joint Intelligence   details. Yet, the author   health, etc.        Starting with the
         Committee of the Govern-  appears hemmed in by her   The glaring contradic-  sentence 'To be a
         ment, reported Pakistan’s   professional training. This   tion therefore of reserving   Muslim is to be an
         nuclear plans, is a big   makes the study rather   seats for candidates from   orphan', several
         surprise because when he   descriptive. Second, her   schedule caste communi-  polemical essays
         became prime minister, he   focus on a few events of the   ties in areas with a high   are peppered with
         “roared” to make India a   tenures of the six Prime   percentage of Muslim   contentions and
         nuclear power. Yet, Chow-  Ministers limits her from   population is curious,   arguments backed
         dhury reports, “Rao told   making comprehensive   to say the least. Salam   by hard data
         me the bomb was ready.   analyses. Yet, this volumi-  argues that such system-
         I only exploded it,” said   nous account is informa-  atic reservation of seats
         Vajpayee. Overall, Va-   tive, lucidly written and   for other communities   house, a labourer looking
         jpayee’s premiership gets   highly readable.     in areas where Muslim    for work, a hawker on a
         a mixed report; he focused     AJAY K. MEHRA (The   candidates would have a   street, an IT professional
         on larger issues, leav-            Book Review)   realistic chance of winning   — who were attacked and
         ing nuts and bolts to his   .                    has translated into minus-  killed in acts of cruelty be-
         secretary Brajesh Mishra.                        cule representation for   yond belief. Salam records
         He was focused more on   Minority angst          the community in elected   the accompanying celebra-
         the Kashmir tangle and                           bodies. The issue may be   tion of the perpetrators
         towards improving ties        HE VERY FIRST      remedied by a Delimita-  as brave heroes and role
         with Pakistan.                sentence of the    tion Commission recom-   models, in one case being
           Chowdhury’s focus on  T‘Preface’ in the book   mended by the Sachar     draped by the national
         Manmohan Singh is on     under review is crafted   Committee, and ensure a   tricolour in violation of the
         the defining feature of   to grab readers by the   representative number of   Flag Code of India, 2002,
         his tenure — the Indo-US   scruff of their necks —“To   Muslims get elected to all   with dismay.
         civil nuclear deal. The   be a Muslim is to be an   democratic institutions.   ‘The Politics of Love
         irony is that Vajpayee, who   orphan”— and then keep   Nonetheless, the author   Jihad and ghar wapasi’ in
         initiated it, emerged as its   them glued to each page.   notes, it is revealing that   Section III, traces the en-
         bitterest critic. However,   These polemical essays are   the issue has not been ad-  ergy and fantasy expended
         during its two terms, the   furiously peppered with   dressed by political leaders   on a conspiracy theory
         Manmohan Singh govern-   contentions, declamations   when in office.      of Muslim men tricking
         ment didn’t deserve the   and arguments, backed     A few more examples   gullible Hindu women into
         flak it took because Sonia   up by data that’s hard to   may help get a sense of the   falling in love with them.
         Gandhi took decisions    ignore.                 fears and faults around   Simultaneously, there’s
         and had a say in all major   For instance, the piece   discrimination discussed   the belief that converting
         policy initiatives.      titled ‘Reconstituting   in this book. Lynching   Muslims back to Hindu-
           Chowdhury leaves       Constituencies’ in the   the “Other”’ is a dark and   ism — the claim being that
         Narendra Modi’s prime    opening segment refers to   relentless indictment of   they were all Hindus “at
         ministership as work in   the Sachar Committee’s   hate crimes that have   one time” and hence must
         progress but makes an    observation that Muslims   targeted Muslims: a lynch-  be returned home or ghar
         interesting observation in   lag behind all communi-  ing in Dadri, a beheading   wapasi — is equated with
         the Epilogue, that Modi    ties including the schedule   in Rajsamand, an attack   ‘restoring’ masculinity and
         likes to model himself as a   castes on parameters of   in Delhi, another in Pune.   increasing the numerical
         leader of the stature of Ne-  political representation,   These were all ordinary   strength of the majority
         hru, even excel him. That   education, employment,   Indians — a man in his   community. The words of

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