Page 81 - EW July 2024
P. 81

legislators, public figures   social media coverage of a   ing songs of protest and   in political power, and
         and firebrand leaders,   moment when a commu-    patriotism in the winter   civil society. The composed
         Salam contends, invoke   nity seemed to “overcome   of December 2019. Salam   control of Salam’s writing
         male ‘prowess’ on the    their character” of timidity   writes of these ‘right-think-  frames arguments that
         one hand and licentious   and fear, writes Salam,   ing’ women who dared to   serve as evidence for ‘new’
         behaviour on the other —   beamed a message of   audaciously re-write the   issues, fissures, experi-
         all built around the idea   “hope and defiance”. The   mainstream stereotype of   ences and analyses. And
         of a woman as a ‘baby-   response of the State, pre-  Muslim women as meek,   his energetic tone provides
         producing machine’ with   dictably, of stun gun and   helpless victims living un-  a rich feel of the contexts
         no control over her mind   tear gas attacks against   der a constant fear of triple   and terrain in which such
         or body.                 unarmed young men and   talaq. Such was the impact   questions are being posed
           In an interesting essay   women inside campuses,   of these women that one   and debated, extended and
         ‘Shaheen Bagh Women      hostels and libraries led   82-year-old grandmother,   elaborated, afresh.
         Show the Way’ in the last   to protests from ‘the most   Bilquis Dadi, was listed   The last lines of the
         section, Salam records   unlikely of quarters’: the   among the ‘Hundred Most   book conclude with the
         the marches and protests   Shaheen Bagh movement   Influential People of the   hope that a new dawn
         launched against the Citi-  which inspired similar   World’ in 2020 by Time   may yet arise, and Salam’s
         zenship (Amendment) Bill,   protests across the streets   Magazine.       forceful voice certainly
         2019 (or CAA) by students   and chowrastas of towns   A journalist and an   helps the reader believe
         of Jamia Millia Islamia   and cities of India.   insider of the community,   that the ideas of democ-
         (JMI). It gained traction   In each iteration, Mus-  Ziya Us Salam uses his   racy, egalitarianism and
         and spread to Aligarh Mus-  lim women were visibly   knowledge and experi-  respect may yet live and
         lim University, Jawaharlal   centre stage: frail grand-  ence to occupy a public   breathe, if not flourish,
         Nehru University and sim-  mothers, housewives, old,   space and raise questions   among all citizens of India.
         ilar institutions across the   young, unlettered, edu-  of Muslim representation   ASMA RASHEED (The
         country. The visuals and   cated, all collectively sing-  in national institutions,   Book Review)

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