Page 82 - EW July 2024
P. 82


         Exit poll duffers                                in Ayodhya would prove to be a trump card in General
                                                          Election 2024. However a low-caste Dalit candidate of
               NE OF THE HIGHLIGHTS OF GENERAL Elec-      the Samajwadi Party who is unlikely to be granted entry
               tion 2024 is blanket of silence over the wide off   into the grand new Ram Mandir by its powerful Brah-
         Othe mark prediction of the media — especially telly   min priests who famously declined to permit President
                                                          Murmu to participate in the inauguration ceremony star-
         talking heads — on the outcome. Every TV news chan-
         nel had predicted that the BJP would cross its 2019 Lok   ring PM Modi, trounced the two-term BJP candidate.
                                                             Not that this is entirely good news. Nehruvian social-
         Sabha  tally of 303 seats and that the 40-party National
         Democratic Alliance (NDA) of which BJP is the standard   ism which ruined the high-potential Indian economy for
                                                          over half a century after independence, may bloom again.
         bearer, would bag 390 (out of a total 543) seats with   According to Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi, wealth
         several channels endorsing Prime Minister Modi’s boast   and job creators and highest tax papyers (Ambani and
         that the Modi Sarkar would cross 400. On June 4 when   Adani) are enemies of the people. Taxes and national
         the votes were counted, BJP won 240 seats and the NDA   savings should be canalized into white elephant public
         293, just crossing the majority 272 threshold. How could   sector enterprises to be squandered by business -illiterate
         all TV channels many of whom had elaborately dressed   babus. If this resurrected star of the Nehru-Indira dy-
         up their studios and summoned expert psephologists to   nasty throws a spanner in the works, India will be back to
         conduct exit polls, have got it so wrong?        square one. Therefore your editor’s schadenfreude about
           The cardinal error of their over-paid anchors and   the mighty being cut to size is tempered by déjà vu fear.
         market research experts nurtured on rote learning and
         blind imitation of Western television news channels, is to
         assume that voters emerging from polling booths tell the   Palaces-schools conundrum
         truth about vote casting. Well aware of the huge pow-
         ers and proclivity of government, i.e, the ruling party, to
         victimize those against it, most electors tend to choose   BLINDSPOT OF LEARNED ECONOMISTS AND
                                                                pundits who discuss, debate and analyse the Union
         discretion over valour and profess to have endorsed the   A — and to a much lesser extent state government
         ruling party candidate. Although upper middle class vot-  — budgets, is the substantial expense incurred by govern-
         ers aware of their constitutional rights may be inclined   ment under the head ‘establishment expenses’. In Educa-
         to reveal political preferences, the vast majority of the   tionWorld where thrift is venerated as a virtue, we have
         citizenry is only too well-aware of the vindictiveness and   been repeatedly whistle-blowing about enormous amounts
         insolence of office of government lackeys and local mafia   often exceeding 20 percent of total government revenue,
         dons who may well target voters who come on record   being routinely expended under this amorphous head.
         about their voting preferences.                     With each passing day, evidence is emerging of un-
           In the circumstances, it would be advisable for poll-  bridled spending buried under establishment expenses
         sters and media personnel to pose indirect questions re-  by government ministers and officials. Lavish expendi-
         lating to burning issues such as inflation, unemployment,   ture by government leaders by way of fully furbished and
         communalism etc, and draw inferences for and against   protected airplanes and motor cars for the prime minster,
         the ruling party. Simultaneously, television anchors also   a private airline for ministers who commute in motorized
         need to curb their enthusiasm for reporting what their in-  cavalcades and serve the people from imposing manors,
         dustrialist masters — for whom stability and continuity of   are funded by unquestioned provision made for estab-
         government is high priority — wish to hear. Not without   lishment expenses in the Union and state government
         cause have screen news channels earned the description   budgets. Recently, a Rs.500 crore Xanadu-style seaside
         of godi media.                                   palace constructed by Andhra Pradesh chief minister
                                                          Y.S.R Jagan Mohan Reddy in Visakapatnam has been
         Schadenfreude & apprehension                     hitting the headlines. A few months ago a competitively
                                                          ornate palace of ousted Telangana chief minister K. Chan-
                                                          drashekar Rao in Hyderabad, and a grand Sheesh Mahal
              ENERAL ELECTION 2024 WAS MARKED BY          built for Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal were in the
              several extraordinary twists and turns and ups and   media glare.
         Gdowns. But surely the sweetest outcome is cutting   Government balance sheets are subject to audit by
         to size Prime Minister Modi who had begun to believe   the grandiosely titled Comptroller & Auditor General of
         that he had been divinely commissioned to rule the   India. Yet apart from the time when the CAG computed
         republic. For the first time since 2014 he has to depend   a humongous ‘notional loss’ of Rs.1.8 lakh crore in the
         upon hitherto neglected allied parties to remain in power.   coal auction scam of 2009, little is heard from his august
         A second sweet outcome was the right royal defeat of   office.
         Union minister of women and child development Smriti    Curiously governments encounter little difficulty in
         Irani, in Amethi where last time round (2019) she ousted   funding palaces, perks and extravagances of the neta-
         Rahul Gandhi from his family’s pocket borough. And a   babu brotherhood. However, they experience severe
         third was the defeat of incumbent BJP MP from the Faiz-  financial constraints when it comes to funding modern-
         abad constituency in which the Ram Mandir was inaugu-  ization of the country’s dilapidated, dysfunctional govern-
         rated with great fanfare on January 22.          ment schools and primary health centres. On this glaring
           The calculus of the BJP top brass was that building   paradox, learned economists and telly talking heads are
         the grand Ram Mandir on the ruins of the Babri Masjid   strangely silent.

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