Page 71 - DepEd Newsletter 2020
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                                   Number of Competencies Per Quarter Based                                         TOTAL
                                              from the 5 Indicators                    TOTAL COMPETENCIES PER
            Grade Level                                                                        INDICATOR
                             QT 1 (ICT)     QT 2 (AGRI)    QT 3(H.E)      QT 4 (IA)
                           1 2 3 4      5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5                 1     2     3     4     5

         GRADE 4           0 3 0 8 10 1 8 0 9 1 3 8 2 7 4 0 4 0 7 3                     4     23    2    31    19     79
         GRADE 5           0 4 0 10 5 0 5 0 13 3 0 8 0 16 9 0 3 0 15 5                  0     20    0    54    22     96
         GRADE 6           0 4 0 5     6   0 3 0 7    5 0 1 0 12 7 0 2 0 12 9 0             10    0     36    27    73

                                 ANALYZED LEARNING COMPETENCIES IN EPP-TLE (Grade 7-8)
                                                         Exploratory Course
                                     Number of Competencies Per Quarter                TOTAL COMPETENCIES PER
           Grade Level                                                                                              TOTAL
                                          Based from the 5 Indicators                          INDICATOR
                                             QT 2             QT           QT 4
                         QT 1 (ICT-CSS                                                  1     2     3     4     5
                                       AGRI-Aqua-Culture 3(H.E-cookery  (IA-Carpentry)
         GRADE 7         8 6 0 5      0 4 0 10 12        0 2 0 9 9 0 4 0 9 12 8             16    0     33    38    90

                                      Number of Competencies Per Quarter               TOTAL COMPETENCIES PER
            Grade Level                                                                                             TOTAL
                                           Based from the 5 Indicators                         INDICATOR
                                                                           QT 4
                                QT 1            QT 2          QT 3
                            (ICT-Techni-    (Food Fish  (H.E-Front      (IA-Shielded    1     2     3     4     5
                                                                         Metal Arc
                            cal Drafting)   Processing)    Services)
         GRADE 8           2 14 1 12 15 2 5 2 19 15 0 3 0 7 6 0 2 0 8 9 2                   22    3     46    45    118

                                Number of Most Essential Leanring Competencies per Training Regulation
          Grade Level  9-12                                                                          COMPETENCIES    TOTAL
                                                   Based from the 5 Indicators
                                                                                                     PER INDICATOR
          (Industrial Arts)                                                                        1   2   3  4   5
         CARPENTRY NC2
         (640 Hours)9-12   4  12   0  6   6                                                        4  12   0  6   6   28

         Masonry NC2 (160
         Hours)-Grade 9-12  5  10  5  18 57                                                        5  20   0  8  57   90

         Automotive NC1
         (640 Hours)-grade   15 17 15 28 94                                                        15 17 15 28 94 180
         Illustration NC2-160
         Hours (Grade 9-12)  12 12  0  9  24                                                       12 12   0  9  24   94

         Computer System
         Servicing NC2 (640
         Hours)-Grade 9-12  0  35  0  20 50                                                        0  35   0  20 50 105

         Agi-Crop Production
         NC2 (320 hours)-  6  10   5  15 31                                                        6  10   5  15 31   77
         Grade 9-10

         Cookery  NC2 ( 320
         Hours)-Grade 9-10
         can be offer in Grade  0  8  0  25 85                                                     0   8   0  25 85 118
               Prepared by:
                              SAMUEL AYANGDAN

        Schools Division of Benguet                LEARNING CONTINUITY OPERATIONAL PLAN                                  Page 65
   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76