Page 49 - DepEd Benguet Newsletter 2020
P. 49

1.5. Identify Potential   Enroll in po-  1.5 Memoran- June to Au- HRDS,
                                                Partners, such as   tential part-  dum of Agree- gust, 2020
                                                Universities and other  ners   ment signed           SMN
                                                learning centers, that         and imple-
                                                are open to offering           mented.               external part-
                                                On-site and/or online                                ners,
                                                Crash Courses espe-
                                                cially to teachers in
                                                the far-flung areas.
                                                1.6. Conduct webi-  Conduct SLAC  1.6. Online   April 2020  HRDS, School
                                                nars on the following   for teachers   training/   – April 2021 Health,
                                                content to ensure pre- and IEC for   webinars
                                                paredness/ readiness  the learners,   conducted on   YFD
                                                and resiliency to the   parents and   mental health
                                                new normal:        community   and other re-
                                                                               lated topics.
                                                a. mental health                                     Teaching and
                                                b.  Health and safety                                employees,
                                                precautions to prevent                               parents
                                                the further transmis-
                                                sion of COVID-19.
                                                c. Psychological First
                                                Aid  during this pan-
                                                d. Financial Literacy
                                                e. data-privacy and
                                                data literacy
                                                f. Child protection and
                                                cyber bullying, and
                                                cyber safety

                                                g. home schooling,
                                                home study, distance
                                                learning, blended
                                                1.7. Capacity building  Submit entry   1.7. Doc-  June to   HRDS
                                                of School Heads, ICT   plans in the   umented   October,
                                                Coordinators, potential  conduct of   creative/best   2020  SEDOE Com-
                                                teachers on documen- innovations   practices and     mittee
                                                tation of innovations,         innovations of
                                                creative and best              Schools
                                                1.8. Conduct webinar/ Update MOOE  1.8. All school  July 2020
                                                orientation to School   liquidation   Heads were
                                                Heads (Disbursing Of-          oriented and
                                                ficers) on the updates         properly
                                                on the utilization of          guided
                                                School MOOE
          Human Re-   2. Support the   1.1. En-  1.1. Re-orient school   Conduct   1.1. 100% of   May to Oc-  SDO MOOE
          source Man-  welfare and    sured     heads/ Master Teach-  school LAC on  school heads   tober 2020
          agement and  well-being of   compliance  ers on the use of   RPMS    and Master            Human Re-
         Development teaching and     to RPMS   updated IPCRF Data             Teachers              source such
                                                                                                     as HRD, PMT,
                      non-teaching              Collection System as           re-oriented           HRMPSB,
                                                given by the Central
                      personnel                 Office for one-time                                  OSDS, CID,
                                                calibration of School-                               and SGOGD
                                                based personnel

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