Page 45 - DepEd Benguet Newsletter 2020
P. 45

4.2. Provide TA in  Prepare stock  4.2. All   June 2020
                                                 the accomplish-  cards of all   schools   – April 2021
                                                 ment of Stock   goods pro-  monitored
                                                 Cards, RPCPPE,   cured and the  and provided
                                                 RCPI, IAR, Con-  RCPI of equip- TA in part-
                                                 demnation of   ment, and    nership with
                                                 School Buildings   others.  School Book-
                                                 and Equipment,              keepers
         Strategic  2. Support the     1. Streng-   1.1. Enhance   Conduct IEC   1.1.a. Print   June 2020   MOOE Fund,
         Leadership  physical, men-    then  imple- IEC campaign   to learners   materials   – April 2021 HRTD Fund
         and Manage- tal, and over-all   men-tation   re COVID-19 in   and parents   containing
         ment          well-being of   of  health   collaboration with  and other   the following:   Human Re-
                                                                                                   source (SH
                       learners        programs   the schools and   educa-   -importance
                                       and nutri-  districts:                of hand               section, DRRM
                                       tion ser-                 tion stake-   washing
                                       vices     a. minimum      holders
                                                 health standards            -meaning of
                                                 like increasing             social dis-
                                                 physical and men-           tancing
                                                 tal resilience
                                                                             -basic neces-
                                                 b. reducing trans-          sities avail-
                                                 mission by reduc-           able in the
                                                 ing contact                 school and
                                                 c. reducing the life        before oper-
                                                 span of the virus           ation
                                                 d. leading healthy          2.1.b. All
                                                 schools in the new          districts/
                                                 normal commu-               schools
                                                 nities                      provided with
                                       2. Strengten  2.1, Monitor, eval- Install the   2.1. WASH   March   MOOE Fund,
                                       imple-    uate, and validate  deficiencies   facility of all   2020– April  HRTD Fund
                                       men-tation   WASH facility   in the school   schools mon- 2021
                                       of  health   with 0-star and   WASH facil-  itored          Human Re-
                                       programs   3-star rating (On-  ities                        source (SH
                                       and nutri-  line monitoring)                                section, DRRM
                                       tion services amidst COVID-19
                                                 pandemic to be
                                                 able to augment
                                                 advocacy for ad-
                                                 ditional WASH in
                                       3. Prioritize  3.1. Initiate   All person- nel  3.1. 2-3 resil- July 2020 –  MOOE Fund,
                                       health and  Stress resiliency   and learners   iency train-  April 2021  HRTD Fund
                                       wellness  of  trainings and   of the affected  ings / PFA
                                       personnel  psychological   schools were   conducted         Human Re-
                                       and learners first aid (PFA) to   given PFA                 source (SH
                                                 crises-stricken                                   section, DRRM)
                                                 3.2. Provide    All school and  3.2.a. Daily   March 2020  MOOE Fund,
                                                 Medical, Dental   division per-  telecon-  – April 2021 HRTD Fund
                                                 and Nursing tele-  son-nel who   sultation /
                                                 consultation and   consul-ted   telemedicine      Human Re-
                                                 services through   were attend-  provided         source (SH
                                                 telemedicine.   ed to                             section, DRRM)
                                                                             2.2.b. All
                                                                             walk-in client

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