Page 47 - DepEd Benguet Newsletter 2020
P. 47

2.2. Conduct    Prepare     2.2. MELC-  Apr. to   Human resources:
                                                 Webinar-work-   contextu-   based ADM   June 2020   SDS, ASDS, CID-
                                                 shop on the     al-lized LRs or  modules by   (Q1&2)  Chief and staff, and
                                                 development of   enhance the   learning area
                                                 MELC-based ADM  downloaded   developed.  June to   Materials:
                                                 modules by learn-  contextual-liz-      July 2020
                                                 ing area.       ed LRs                            Internet, ICT equip-
                                                                                         (Q3&4)    ment/ gadgets
                                                 2.3. Quality as-  Quality assure  2.3. Quality   Apr. to   Human resources:
                                                 sure MELC-based  school based   assured LRs  June 2020   SDS, ASDS, CID-
                                                 ADM modules and  developed LRs  in the differ-  (Q1&2)  Chief and staff, and
                                                 other Learning   and submit for  ent learning
                                                 Resources       district and   areas    June to   Materials:
                                                                 division QA             July 2020
                                                                                                   Internet, ICT equip-
                                                                                         (Q3&4)    ment/ gadgets
                                                 2.4. Upload     Download    2.4. Con-   Apr. to   Human resources:
                                                 quality assured   quality as-  textualized   June 2020   SDS, ASDS, CID-
                                                 ADMs and LRs in  sured LRs  Learning    (Q1&2)    Chief and staff, and
                                                 landing portal of           Resources in
                                                 the SDO.                    all learning   June to   Materials:
                                                                             areas made   July 2020
                                                                             available and         Internet, ICT equip-
                                                                                                   ment/ gadgets
                                                                             accessible   (Q3&4)
                                                                             to Benguet
                                                                             and learn-
                                                                             ers through
                                                                             the landing
                                                 2.5. Conduct we-  Develop ADM  2.5. Identi-  Apr. to   Human resources:
                                                 binar-workshop in  modules for   fied teachers  June 2020   SDS, ASDS, CID-
                                                 the development   remediation   upskilled in   (Q1&2)  Chief and staff, and
                                                 of ADM modules   or advance   ADM module          teachers
                                                 in all learning   learning  development  June to   Materials:
                                                 areas.                      (pool of LR   July 2020
                                                                             developers            Internet, ICT equip-
                                                                             by learning   (Q3&4)  ment/ gadgets
                                                 2.6. Conduct we-  Conduct   2.6. Identi-  May to   Human resources:
                                                 binar-orientation  school LAC on  fied teachers  June 2020  SDS, ASDS, CID-
                                                 for LR evaluators  evaluation of   upskilled in   Chief and staff, and
                                                 by learning area   LRs      evaluating            teachers
                                                 in coordination             LRs (Core/            Materials:
                                                 with HRD and                pool of LR
                                                 SMME.                       evaluators            Internet, ICT equip-
                                                                             / ARB by              ment/ gadgets
                                                 2.7. Conduct of   Digitize devel-  2.7. Identi-  June 2020   Human resources:
                                                 webinar-workshop  oped LRs  fied teachers  – April 2021  SDS, ASDS, CID-
                                                 on the digitization         upskilled in          Chief and staff, ITO,
                                                                                                   and teachers
                                                 of LRs and prepa-           digitization of
                                                 ration of e-books.          LRs                   Materials:

                                                                             e-books pre-          Internet, ICT equip-
                                                                             pared.                ment/ gadgets
                                                 2.8. Conduct of   Download LRs  2.8. Identified  July 2020  Human resources:
                                                 webinar-orien-  from reliable   teachers and      SDS, ASDS, CID-
                                                 tation on how to   sources  school heads          Chief and staff, ITO,
                                                                                                   and teachers
                                                 download LRs                oriented on
                                                 from the Division           how to down-          Materials:
                                                 landing portal.             load LRs
                                                                             from the Divi-        Internet, ICT equip-
                                                                                                   ment/ gadgets
                                                                             sion landing

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