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I’ve always loved science and one of the most unforgettable lessons I
learned was about the metamorphosis of the butterfly. The change was so
complete and the results were so amazing. It was nothing less than a
“radical” transformation. Some would say the caterpillar in appearance is
grotesque. But this is only the beginning phase. Before we embraced the
new life, our "life" resembled the caterpillar. The bible says that the best we
could ever hope to be without Christ was a filthy rag (Isa. 64:6). Once you
accepted Jesus into your heart (by faith), the process of transformation
began. The process is not automatic. It is a daily decision to grow in the
knowledge and grace of our savior Jesus Christ (Col. 1:9-11, 2 Peter 3:18,
Luke 2:52). Accepting Jesus is the first step of many steps that must be
taken in order to put on the "Mind of Christ" (1 Cor. 2:16). The first thing
you must realize is: THE PROCESS NEVER ENDS! We can choose to
adapt to the “world” system or be transformed by the “kingdom” system.
We are continually being changed every time we enter into the presence of
God during worship, during prayer, or meditating on His Word–He is
changing us. He is transforming us.
Although we don't physically changed shape, we are transformed
(changed) in our character, life, and in our spirit. Transformation is the
work of the Holy Spirit. Transformation is different from behavior
modification. Behavior modification depends on my strength and my will.
Transformation depends on my decision (to accept God's Will for my life)
and the Holy Spirit. Transformation is Eternal. Romans 12 gives us a clue
into how this transformation happens. First, we agree to take our ordinary
lives and turn them over completely to God. Secondly, we embrace God's
plan for our lives (Jer. 29:11). We find those plans during our time in prayer
and study of God's Word. Third, instead of fitting into the world culture, we
make a decision to fit into the Kingdom Culture (God's Culture). Our focus
is shifted to pursuing God and responding to His voice. We go into this
transformation process like the "ugly" caterpillar into a cocoon and emerge
like the beautiful butterfly.
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