P. 3

Let's use the butterfly's transformation as an example. There are four
basic phases.

This is the moment God is birthed in you through faith. The bible says you
confessed with your mouth and you believed in your heart. You made a
declaration and a commitment to follow the teaching of the bible and live a
Godly life. ( Read Rom. 6, Rom. 10). This is the beginning of the new birth
Jesus told Nicodemus about (Read John 3). Conformity (living like those
"in" the world) is void of any spiritual growth. Transformation (living
according to the Word of God) is littered with evidence of spiritual growth.
Read 2 Peter 1:3-10. This only the beginning. You have to be committed to
the process.

The larva is definitely not going to get any votes for beauty. This is the
second phase.. As a new believer, you are still finding your way. The first
"shape" has been put off, but you still have a long ways to go. Every
moment spent in the presence of God, (fellowship, bible study, and prayer)
is a moment for transformation to occur. This is also one of the reasons it
is so important to find a local ministry to continue your spiritual growth. It
may be ugly-but you're growing. You are not looking for opportunities to fail
, but succeed. You are looking for opportunities to live and not die. You are
constantly consuming the Word of God. In verse 2 of Romans 12, the term
Metamorphoo literally means you have been changed into another form;
from an immature form to an adult form. It is a change of the form or nature
of a thing or person into a completely different one, by supernatural means.
Our relationship with God and people change us. However, it is the people
that we choose to surround ourselves with can either hurt us or help us.
They can impact our success or they can contribute to our failure.
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