P. 5

In summary:
Transformation is a choice YOU make to submit to the will of God, it is
intentional, and it is a process. The process is made easier when we follow
the pattern Jesus used. During the process, you will have successes and
failures. The key is to never give up, cave in , or quit. Remember that this
race isn’t about who finishes the quickest, it’s about the one who endures
to the end. What begins as an ugly caterpillar, once the transformation is
complete–we are amazed at the beauty of one of God’s amazing

No matter how ugly our past, the Word of God is able to transform us into
new creations perfect for the Master's use. We were (re)born to be Fishers
of Men.

What we learn about serving God is best learned from the example Jesus
set. It is the result of an intentional prayer life, consistent visits to the local
fellowship, and a study of the bible. (Luke 5:16, Luke 2:41-52). If we are
going to follow the example set by Jesus, there are some things we can
learn that will help us along the road to spiritual maturity:
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