Page 2 - The journey Issue 2
P. 2




                                   - Proverbs 3:6 (Amp.) In all your ways acknowledge and
                                   recognize Him, And He will make your paths smooth
                                   (removing obstacles that block your way).

      Are you really superwoman? Most women wear versatile hats: Sister, Friend,
      Wife, Mother, Cook, Chauffeur & Career woman. The ever popular saying
       “A woman’s work is never done”! Does that describe you? 24 hours just doesn’t
      seem to be enough time to accomplish all the to do list items. Have no fear, God
      didn’t design you to take on the world, that’s His job. What’s the answer you ask?
      I’m glad you asked? God is omnipotent- unlimited power, able to do anything.
      Omnipresent- His presence is always present everywhere. Omniscient- He knows
      everything! Let him be God in your life. Seek him for direction. Honestly, I even
      ask him about how to do my hair, what to wear, and even grocery shopping to
      stretch my money.
      You can’t do everything, be everywhere & solve all the problems for everyone no
      matter how hard you try. I know you’re exhausted, aggravated and it’s a never
      ending cycle. So use your time wisely, don’t take on more than you can handle
      and trust God to do his job. HE Always does!
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