Page 3 - The journey Issue 2
P. 3

Galatians 6:1 Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is
overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and
humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be
careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself.
Just like the teacher noticed a student was struggling & went
the extra mile to help; we must endeavor to help our brothers
and sisters who are having difficulty transitioning and
developing in Christ. We must not allow someone to be lost
simply because we didn't take the time to notice a believer &
help. Don't assume just because someone has grown up
gospel, that they've gone up in Jesus Christ.



A beautiful baby girl was born to a loving mother. As the child grew up it became

evident that she was very intelligent. However, as time progressed she showed

difficulty communicating with others and began to lag behind her peers. One day a

teacher noticed the child's dilemma and recommended speech therapy to help her

move along in her development. This was a tremendous aid to the child and to the

parents. The child not only caught up, but excelled and eventually attained a

Masters degree in finance. This is all because someone took time to notice she

was having difficulty and decided to help.

They are a lot of people in the body of Christ who have been in a church for a long

time, yet still are having issues with their development. They are lagging behind

and not maturing in the faith, while others grow in their relationship. These

believers don't need our judgment--they need our help.  PAGE 3
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