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Acousti-Seal  ENCORE  Automated Technical Data
               10 22 26 (10650) Operable Partitions

                  3.  Acoustical, non-woven needle punch carpet,    rods. Brackets must support the load bearing
                    with fused fibers to prevent unraveling or fray   surface of the track.
                    of material.                                       a.  Exposed track soffit: Steel, removable for
                  4.  Wall covering and upholstery fabric with           service and maintenance, attached to
                    surface treatment to resist stains.                  track bracket without exposed fasteners,
                  5.  Customer’s own material (subject to factory        and pre-painted off-white.
                    approval).                                    2.  Carriers: All-steel trolleys with steel tired ball
                  6. Full height steel markerboard work surface.    bearing wheels.
                  7.  Full height 1/4-inch (6.35 mm) natural cork   B. #30 Suspension System
                    tackboard with vinyl or fabric covering.      1.  Suspension Tracks: Track shall be structural
                  8. Uncovered for field finishing.                 aluminum. Track shall be supported by
                  9. Primed for field finishing.                    adjustable steel hanger brackets connected
               B.  Panel trim: No exposed panel trim required or    to structural support by pairs of 3/8-inch
                 allowed, hardware to be of one consistent color    (9.5 mm) diameter threaded rods.
                 (select one):                                         a.  Exposed track soffit: Track soffit to be
                  1. Dark Bronze                                         integral to track shape and shall be
                  2. Smoke Gray                                          powder-coated off white paint finish.
                  3. Natural Choice                                      Track must accommodate termination
                                                                         of plenum sound barriers on both sides of
               2.5 SOUND SEALS                                           track for maximum sound control.
               A.  Vertical Interlocking Sound Seals between      2.  Carriers: One trolley in alternating panels with
                  panels: Roll-formed steel astragals, with tongue   3-inch (76 mm) diameter glass reinforced
                  and groove configuration in each panel edge.      nylon, all steel precision-ground ball-bearing
                  Aluminum astragals or rigid plastic astragals are   wheels. Steel wheeled or reinforced polymer
                  not acceptable.                                   trolleys on aluminum track not permitted.
               B.  Horizontal Top Seals shall be Modernfold SureSet™   Trolleys shall attach to panels with 1/2-inch
                 automatic operable top seals, manually operated    (13 mm) diameter pendent bolt mounted to
                 operable top seals and/or fixed seals are not      welded steel mounting plate.
                 required or permitted.
               C.  Horizontal Bottom Seals shall be Modernfold   2.7 OPTIONS
                  SureSet™ bottom seal (select one):           A. Single Pass Door:
                  1.  SA2E - Automatic bottom seals providing      1.  Matching pass door same thickness and
                    nominal 2-inch (51 mm) operating clearance      appearance as the panels. ADA compliant
                    with an operating range of +1/2-inch (13 mm)    pass door to be trimless and equipped
                    to –1-1/2-inch (38 mm) which automatically      with friction latch and flush pulls for panic
                    drop as panels are positioned and final closure   operation. No threshold will be permitted.
                    made, without the need for tools or cranks.     2. Hardware:
                  2.  ST2 – Touch bottom seal. Continuous contact         a. Hand pull with push plate.
                    operable seals provide nominal 2-inch (51 mm)         b. Lever handles both sides of door
                    operating clearance within operating range         c. Automatic door closer.
                    of +1/2-inch (13 mm) to –1-1/2-inch (38 mm)         d. Self-illuminated exit signs.
                    and shall provide continuous floor contact as   B. Work Surfaces:
                    panels are positioned with no need for tools or      1.  Markerboard: White enamel on steel, bonded
                    cranks.                                         to the face of the panel with horizontal
                  3.  ST4 – Touch bottom seal. Continuous contact   trim without exposed fasteners. Trim is not
                    operable seals provide nominal 4-inch           acceptable on vertical edges to provide
                    (102 mm) operating clearance within             uninterrupted work surface.
                    operating range of +1/2-inch (13 mm) to       2.  Tackboard: Minimum 1/4-inch (6.35mm)
                    –3-1/2-inch (89 mm) and shall provide           natural cork, covered with vinyl or fabric, with
                    continuous floor contact as panels are          horizontal trim without exposed fasteners. Trim
                    positioned with no need for tools or cranks.    is not acceptable on vertical edges.
               2.6 SUSPENSION SYSTEM                           C.  Available Accessories/Options:
               A. #14 Suspension System                           1.  Pocket Doors: Acousti-Seal  Pocket Doors
                  1.  Suspension Tracks: Minimum 7-gage,            by Modernfold, Inc., with same construction,
                    0.18-inch (5 mm) roll-formed steel. Track shall   finish, and appearance as the adjacent
                    be supported by adjustable steel hanger         panels. Equipped with electric interlock
                    brackets connected to structural support by     system.
                    pairs of 1/2-inch (13 mm) diameter threaded      2. Intersecting partition interface.
               Please contact your local Modernfold distributor for further assistance, or visit our website at  3
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