Page 223 - PG 504-theoretical notes-phyto-1-2024-2025..
P. 223
Clinical pharmacy PharmD program Third level Phytochemistry-1 (PG-504)
2.Reaction with neutral sodium sulfite (for aldehydes):
R- CHO + Na2SO3→ RCH(OH)SO3Na + 2NaOH
The produced NaOH titrated against standard HCl solution
• An equivalent amount of NaOH is liberated. The liberated NaOH must be neutralized
to push the reaction forward
• This method can avoid the lack of a definite end point by adding few drops of phenol
phthaline and could be used for small quantities but it is still slow.
• The neutral sulfite method could be used to estimate ketones containing α-β
unsaturation as carvone, pulugone and pipertone.
B. Condensation reactions:
1. Reaction with hydroxylamine HCl (for aldehydes and ketones)
Aldehyde + Hydroxylamine HCl → Oxime + HCl
The produced HCl is titrated against standard KOH solution
1. Reaction with phenylhydrazine (for aldehydes)
Aldehyde + phenylhydrazine → hydrazone (crystalline product → m.p.)
The excess phenyl hydrazine unreacted is back titrated against standard solution of HCI and the
% of aldehyde could be calculated
*Hvdroxvl amine hydrochloride method:-
This is a universal method .
This method consider to be the best of all (WHY???)
1- It requires only little amount of oil (about 1ml),
2- The reaction time about 20 minutes
3- It is considered universal and valid for most aldehydes and ketones.
However, determination of individual component in the mixture is impossible but the total carbonyl
compounds will be determined.
*Phenyl hydrazine method: -
This method is used for estimation of aldehydes rather than ketones
1- Aldehydes
A- Aliphatic aldehydes 1- Citronellal
⚫ Occurrence: in Citronella and Eucalyptus citriodora oils. Citronellal
⚫ Isolation: by formation of crystalline bisulfite derivative and decomposed by alkali carbonate