Page 6 - MIL Connection Fall 2018
P. 6

employee stories

         Must be (g)love!

                                   Luke is Kevin DeHaven’s much   was left of his gloves in favor of others, but he would have none of
                                   beloved 6-year old grandson.   it. Eventually Luke’s mom asked Kevin if he might be able to get
                                   Luke is also a special needs child   him another pair.
                                   with a form of autism that can   According to Kevin, when presented with the new MIL
                                   cause somewhat unusual traits.   gloves, “his face lit up, his breath drawn, the old gloves (rags)
                                   One of Luke’s special quirks   immediately came off, he smiled and laughed and rubbed his face
                                   is a love of tight clothes and   with the new gloves. They only come off after he goes to sleep, and
                                   gloves. Knowing his grandson’s   they go back on the moment he awakes. He wears them to school
                                   uncommon affinity, Kevin gave   and they let him keep them on. We’ve got him to take them off at
                                   Luke a pair of MIL-branded   meals, but don’t try to pick them up while he eats!”
                                   “touch-gloves” that he had
                                   received at the annual MIL   Along with being one great grandfather, Kevin is also a member
                                   banquet in January. Luke was   of MIL’s C5IS Sector currently supporting the National Geospatial
                                   thrilled with his gift because he   Agency West project as an infrastructure systems analyst.
         wore them night and day until the glove’s fingers were gone and
         all that was left was a blue band wrapped around each thumb and
         palm. The MIL logo also still showed, prompting many people to
         ask, “What is MIL?” Luke’s mom tried to get Luke to give up what

         What’s it like working For MIL?

         By: Dominic J. Digiovannantonio
         I was asked by Tom Clark, Senior Vice President of the C4IS   Within this group, the end goal would be to acquire a full-time
         division, to write a newsletter article about what it’s like working   job and gain as much experience as possible leading up to that
         at MIL from a technical summer hire perspective. I decided to   day. MIL recently had a previous technical summer hire to do
         go out and interview multiple summer hires to obtain different   just that. When asked if he had any advice for current technical
         points of view. We not only vary in age and experience, but also   summer hires seeking full-time employment, he stated you
         our career paths. After receiving a slew of contrasting answers, I   should always strive to seek new opportunities, work diligently,
         came to summarize our thoughts and experiences as a whole.   and most importantly take initiative.
         Year in and year out, MIL provides a very friendly, diverse   Once again, we all thank MIL for this opportunity and hope to
         environment according to their technical summer hires. With this   be here again next summer!
         group varying in age, MIL believes that it’s important to provide
         a multitude of opportunities to each and every employee. It
         provides technical summer hires more exposure and administers
         more opportunities for future endeavors.
         Whether you are striving for an engineering degree, finance
         degree, or a computer science degree, we have all come to
         a general consensus that we’ve seen all aspects of the C4IS         Have a great story
         division.  This not only makes us well-rounded individuals, but
         also helps us learn how to network with professionals outside of    from your team?
         our realm. Many technical summer hires have worked in other
         industries prior to MIL, such as the restaurant industry, sales,   E-mail us at:
         and even construction/labor. Regardless of our prior occupations,
         we have all individually agreed that MIL was a tremendous
         stepping stone in our young careers. MIL has proved to be a very   for newsletter consideration!
         organized as well as professional environment.  It’s refreshing
         to know that from employees, to upper management, there will
         always be someone willing to lend a helping hand, especially our

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