Page 7 - MIL Connection Fall 2018
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mil cares
LSM 6th Annual Golf Tournament
Several members of MIL’s C5IS Sector participated in this year’s
Leadership Southern Maryland (LSM) annual golf tournament,
which was held June 8th at Breton Bay Golf Course in
Leonardtown, MD. Along with serving as an event sponsor, MIL
was represented on the links by Harvil Jenkins, Ashlee Dalrymple,
Erin Tice, and Ed Christian. Along with a day of beautiful
weather, MIL’s fearsome foursome enjoyed lots of fun on the
fairway while benefiting a good cause.
According to their mission statement, Leadership Southern
Maryland “educates and inspires a diverse group of current and
emerging leaders creating opportunities for collaborations and
partnerships impacting the community needs of Calvert, Charles,
and St. Mary’s counties.”
Five members of MIL’s Department of State staff in Charleston To help MIL achieve such a high-level of proficiency, we rely on
were recently recognized with Certificates of Appreciation for an internal team of employees who steer our organization towards
their outstanding efforts achieving MIL’s ISO-9001 certification continuous improvement. While such a certification increases
against the 2015 standard. Their strong focus on quality, customer satisfaction and repeat business, it also creates an
MIL’s State Department customers, processes, and continuous environment where morale and professionalism are continually
improvements is commendable! on the rise. With standardized and documented processes and
Employees receiving certificates and gratitude include: a robust system for training, our team members enjoy clear
expectations of what is required of them and the appropriate tools
» Sally Beckett-Jeffrey to get the job done right. It forces collaboration and builds trust
» Katie McCurry within our organization as people learn and share their experience
and technical acumen.
» Kenya Pettis
A key benefit noted by our internal team and HR leaders is
» Sarah Kelly
that this certification has led to an expedited hiring process
» Jennifer Johnson and higher-qualified applicants. Our recruiting team puts great
MIL recently celebrated its fifth year of earning ISO 9001: 2015 emphasis on communicating with our hiring managers and
certification. This certification demonstrates MIL’s commitment to our customers to ensure MIL keeps a pipeline of well-qualified
a company culture of always meeting the customers’ requirements applicants in our system. By understanding the position and
and doing the right thing—all the time. An ISO 9001 certification asking the right questions, MIL recruiters keep a pipeline of
requires documented processes at every level of business and applicants in queue which significantly reduces the time it takes
a training and auditing plan to help ensure those processes are to move the best candidate into open positions. This is especially
always current and always followed. Our customers then enjoy important given the excruciating time it takes for security
the consistency of our operations and a higher quality employee clearances alone!
brought into their business. In fact, MIL prides itself on placing Through this well-oiled (and documented) machine—MIL lives
only well-qualified applicants into available positions—we do up to its motto of “People making the difference”! It’s the people
not simply put a warm body in a chair to fulfill a contract’s in our organization that not only drive our customers towards
requirements. This commitment to excellence sets us apart success but also lead to MIL’s multiple awards for being an
from our competition and helps our leadership build long-term exceptional work place!
relationships with our customers.
fall 2018 | The MIL Connection | 7