Page 5 - The MIL Connection: Fall 2023
P. 5

Tip #8. Make meetings productive
        Meetings are often necessary, and going into them with a plan can help them be more effective. Having an
        outline for what you want to discuss during a meeting and your desired outcome can keep them shorter and
        more focused. Try to keep the meeting as brief and productive as possible and end with action items to ensure
        everyone understands what you want from them.
        Tip #12. Practice stress management techniques

        Consider practicing stress management techniques, such as reading, meditating, listening to music or
        practicing yoga. These strategies can decrease the stress that can impact your physical, emotional and mental
        health. Doing these regularly can help you focus better and improve your workplace performance.
        You can find the entire article here and review the complete list of productivity-enhancing tips.

        MIL stays connected

        One of the ways MIL keeps current with industry events and technology developments is through our professional
        partnerships, memberships, and affiliations. MIL maintains a professional network of trade organizations, product
        vendors, industrial associations, and consortiums that help us keep pace with advancements to better serve our
        clients. Below are a few recent developments in our network of partners and resources.

                                   ITEA Membership

                                   MIL recently renewed our corporate membership with the International Test
                                   and Evaluation Association (ITEA). ITEA advances the exchange of technical,
                                   programmatic, and acquisition information among the test and evaluation (T&E)
                                   community. ITEA members come together to learn and share with others from
                                   industry, government, and academia, who are involved with the development and
                                   application of the policies and techniques used to assess effectiveness, reliability,
                                   interoperability, and safety of existing, legacy, and future technology-based weapon
                                   and non-weapon systems and products throughout their lifecycle.
        Along with attendance at ITEA conferences and other networking events, ITEA membership also offers MIL:
         •  Visibility and networking with T&E leadership
         •  Corporate member news in the ITEA Journal and access to the online journal
         •  Free registration for ITEA monthly Lunch & Learns and discounted conference registration fees
         •  Discounted pricing on exhibits and sponsorships at ITEA events
         •  Access to the past conference proceedings as well as content in ITEA’s online library (including all previously
            recorded Lunch & Learns, Lecture Series, and other webinars)
         •  T&E focused courses for MIL employees – conducted at MIL spaces or online
        Bookmark the ITEA Calendar to easily view ITEA’s upcoming conferences as well as other events such as monthly

        Oracle Partner Network

        MIL is pleased to announce our renewed partnership with Oracle through their
        Modern Oracle PartnerNetwork, Oracle’s cloud-first partner program. We are
        confident that our membership in the PartnerNetwork will help us to continue
        to build on our Oracle service line to help us meet all of our customers’ most
        challenging needs. As a member of the Oracle PartnerNetwork, MIL will have
        easy access to the latest developments and expertise in Oracle product families
        and modern cloud services. MIL’s continued partnership with Oracle reflects
        our commitment to maintaining a highly trained and certified staff capable of
        ensuring customer success.

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