Page 3 - The Leadership Line: March 2023
P. 3

Managing Time-off Requests

        At times, the accommodations employees need for time off don’t always accommodate your immediate
        preferences as a leader. It’s important to demonstrate you value these team members far too much to place certain
        inconveniences over their needs. If employees feel secure and supported in setting healthy work-life boundaries,
        they’ll know they’re appreciated for who they are, not just what they can do.
        It’s important to give employees independence and autonomy when it comes to handling time-off requests. The
        following tips require collaboration and good communication.

            Tips for managing time off requests:               4. Overlapping PTO requests
                                                                 Consider setting up a shared calendar in Outlook to
            1. Provide clear direction on time off requests      help reduce the number of overlapping requests. If
            Let your team know:                                  workers can see who has already requested time off,
               » How far in advance do they need to ask for time      they can better plan their own requests and are less
               off                                               likely to ask for overlapping time off.
               » If there are any time or date limitations on   5. Be an example
               vacations                                         If you take time off, your employees will feel it’s okay
               » How they should prepare before their vacation
               to cover their work                               to do the same. It’s important to encourage time off.
                                                                 Talk about your own vacation plans with your team.
            Emphasize that you understand everyone needs a
            break and, if possible, you’ll try to accommodate   6. Say no to vacation shaming
            everyone’s leave schedules.                          Employees may be less inclined to step away from
                                                                 their computers because they don’t want it to
            2. Assess your business needs
                                                                 negatively affect how their team views their work
            3. Respond to time-off requests in a timely          ethic. Support and show positive reassurance for those
                manner                                           interested in submitting time-off requests.

                                    How to Show Appreciation to Your Team

                                    Employee appreciation is important because it lets your team members know they and
                                    their contributions are valued. It encourages them to continue doing great work and
                                    gives them a sense of security, which can lead to less stress and greater confidence in
                                    the workplace.

        Appreciation tips
        Prioritize personal outreach                           Social Media
        Personal outreach takes just a few minutes of your time   Posting messages on social media is a great way to show
        and is an incredibly powerful way to help employees feel   employee appreciation by tagging them and engaging
        appreciated. It’s important to remember to personally   others to interact with them!
        thank your teammates for the work they do in a timely   Appreciation Meals
        and specific way.                                      Treating your employees to lunch now and then is a
        Offer professional development                         great way to bring the team together and get to know
        Providing professional development opportunities and   them on a more personal level. If they are remote,
        encouraging employees to grow within the organization   consider giving them a Door Dash certificate.
        is one of the most powerful ways you can show your
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