Page 3 - MILConnection_Fall_2020_v3
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from the service center

        Keeping calm & carrying on

        Life is very different now. From the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we sensed our daily routines would change, we just didn’t know
        how much or for how long. We now know that our collective futures, at least in the short run, will most likely still include masks, social
        distance, hand washing, sanitizing, and a myriad of other ‘stay safe’ habits. Until an effective vaccine is widely distributed, we need to
        be careful and conscientious, and continue to find ways to adapt, innovate, and thrive despite all of the challenges. We must keep on
        living our best lives, however different they may be. With so many unknowns, it can be reassuring to take time to reflect on what we DO
        know. We know:

             We remain unified.                                        We will prevail.
             MIL is not just a business, it’s a community. We support   2020 has taught us many valuable lessons. With the help
             one another—readily sharing our insights and new ways     of MIL’s steady and creative leaders, we’ve found inventive
             of coping and helping when struggles are encountered.     ways to keep working and producing despite many
             We recognize that our customers depend on our support,    obstacles. We learned how to communicate effectively
             and our mission is to find a way to deliver despite the   through virtual meetings and email. Working further apart
             circumstances. Our shared purpose to make a difference    physically, has made us more fully appreciate the value
             keeps us united and functioning as a team, because together   of collaboration. Leveraging technology like SharePoint
             is how we are getting the job done in the time of COVID-19.  and Teams, MIL managers have been able to keep their
                                                                       own teams united. Most importantly, we’ve learned that
             We can adapt.                                             as an organization we are more agile and flexible than
                                                                       we ever imagined. Despite each person’s unique set of
             Not everyone is living the same experience during the     circumstances, MIL employees have continued to perform
             pandemic. Some employees’ work is fully remote, some are   at an extraordinarily high level, delivering uninterrupted
             non-remote but working in socially distant and masked     service and top-quality products to our customers. This
             workplaces, and some people are functioning in “hybrid”   excellence in the face of a once-in-a-century pandemic
             environments. Some MIL staffers are coping with kids at   has allowed MIL to grow and prosper even in these
             home or are home alone or sharing spaces with spouses,    economically challenging times. .
             roommates, and extended family. In many cases, we’ve
             needed to make our living spaces into our workplaces as
             well as classrooms for the virtual students in our lives. What   We are grateful.
             all of these experiences have taught us is that we are more   Thank you to everyone at MIL that has persevered in the
             adaptable than we ever thought, capable of transforming our   face of adversity. To the team leads and managers that have
             approach and routine to adjust to a dramatically different   kept things moving through their hard work and ingenuity,
             normal; even one that we may not have picked given a      we appreciate your leadership. For the MIL “frontline
             choice. Both MIL the company and MIL the people have      workers” who have shown up every day despite the risks
             proven we can successfully pivot when needed. Our success   because they had a job to do and customers who depended
             “keeping on” during this most unusual of times gives us   on them, we salute you. And for everyone companywide
             confidence that we’ll continue to find our way through    who made the changes necessary to keep calm and carry on,
             the current crisis. We believe MIL will come out of this   we say Job well done!
             public health emergency a wiser and more compassionate
             company, with employees that know MIL and its leadership
             stepped up and leaned in when it mattered most.

                                                                       fall 2020  | The MIL Connection | 3
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