Page 14 - The MIL Connection: Fall 2024
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Leveling UP: Reaching higher through continuing education

        Join us in recognizing MIL team members who are growing their knowledge and skills through continuing education.

        Leading SAFe:  The journey outweighs the destination   There are several workshops, classes, and credentials available
        MIL execs and managers came to together in Charleton, SC   with flexibility to pursue a prescribed or more tailored
        on July 23rd to attend a 2-day training and half-day consulting   approach to our endeavor. The MIL team is excited to pursue
        session on “Leading SAFe.” SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework)   this proven approach to business agility and is looking
        is a set of organization and workflow patterns designed to   forward to a broad interest across the company in all aspects
        aid in scaling agile practices to best meet an organization’s   of SAFe.  Please feel to reach out to John Degni or Jon Jones
        needs. Long associated with the software development   for more information. They would love to share what they’ve
        industry, SAFe’s primary focus is on helping organizations   learned so far and hear your perspective.
        achieve business agility, a crucial component in today’s rapidly   Grab a buddy and study!
        changing, competitive economy. SAFe’s customer-centric
        approach is designed to add measurable business value to   We are pleased to announce the creation of an MIL study
        each decision impacting the bottom line. It’s a collaborative   group for MIL staffers interested in preparing for the
        approach that not only assures organization level buy-in,   Project Management Institute (PMI) Project Management
        but also helps to ensure that projects and products are viable   Professional (PMP) certification exam. The PMP Study
        and valuable to a company and worthy to its customers.   Group will provide a collaborative, peer-driven environment
        In short, it’s an innovative way to work that values results   to assist employees prepare for the PMP exam. The study
        and individuals and encourages leaders to take pride and   group sessions will help participants reach the suggested
        ownership.                                             80-100 study hours needed to pass the exam. Each cohort will
        The Leading SAFe class was conducted by a senior consultant   meet once a week in a one-hour “lunch-and-learn,” virtual
                                                               environment (Microsoft Teams), for 8 weeks. Sessions will be
        from CPrime, a highly recognized partner with SAFe. Prior   facilitated by Dr. Rebecca Helms and other guests and focus
        to class, attendees reviewed workbooks and training videos   on key topics, quick reviews, practice questions, and essential
        that provided background for the curriculum and introduced   concepts. Each group will require active participation and
        some of the core concepts. Training was conducted in-person   contribution as a significant amount of content will focus on
        and featured lectures, exercises, and group activities. The   areas that comprise 80 percent of the exam. The first eight-
        training sessions were supported by MIL’s State Department   week cohort began October 9th. The study group will cover
        clients who also hope to adapt a leaner approach to their own   areas such as:
        business operations.
        SAFe offers a variety of certifications including “SAFe Agilist.”     » PMP exam introduction and framework overview
        SAFe Agilist is one of the broadest certifications and all     » Project integration management
        students who complete the Leading SAFe class are encouraged     » Project scope management
        to take the included exam and certify within 30 days. To     » Project schedule management
        date, the Charleston team has seven students that have been
        certified as a “SAFe Agilist” with a few more currently in     » Project cost management
        progress. A second class planned for late fall/ early winter     » Project quality and resource management
        2025 will be offered to another dozen or so students who will
        be encouraged to certify.                                  » Project communication and risk management
        After the training concluded, MIL participated in a half-day     » Project procurement and stakeholder management
        workshop focused on the roadmap for becoming a Lean Agile   For more information, reach out to  Rebecca Helms.
        Center of Excellence, a distinction likely to attract future
        customers and partners to MIL.

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