Page 11 - MILConnection_Spring_2024
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employee stories

        Celebrating Black History Month: African Americans and the Arts

        In observance of Black History Month, The MIL Corporation (MIL) paid tribute to the humanity and resilience of African
        Americans whose journeys paved the way to the freedom, opportunity, and cultural diversity we all enjoy today. Throughout
        the month of February, MIL joined the rest of the Nation to remember and honor the struggles of these African American
        trailblazers and to celebrate their many triumphs and countless achievements.
                                    In keeping with this year’s focus on “African Americans and the Arts,” MIL commemorated
                                    Black History Month by reflecting on the contributions of African American artists whose
                                    visionary works in visual, performing, and literary arts helped to shape our uniquely American
                                    cultural landscape. African American artists have entertained, thrilled, and enthralled us for
                                    generations and continue to serve as an inspiration to countless other creative minds. To turn a
                                    spotlight on several of those resident creative minds at MIL, we introduced a few of the African
                                    American artists among your MIL colleagues who are using their innate talent, finely tuned
                                    skills, and artistic aesthetics to create, perform, and express their own imaginative art.

                                    Mike Ogletree’s soul Infusion

                                    Michael Ogletree’s style of music is soul-infused, heavy modern and instrumental rock, with
                                    R&B styled vocals. To Mike, making music is about cooking up a melting pot of influences and
                                    genres to create his own original strange brew of sounds. His goal, to bring together a fusion of
                                    sound that everyone can enjoy. From his perspective, music should be fun and not too rigidly
                                    defined. “It was meant to express feelings and tell a story. Mixing sounds helps people tell
                                    stories that are as unique as they are.”
                                    Mike began his life of music over 20 years ago when he first picked up a trumpet hoping to
                                    emulate his big brother, a saxophone player. Since then, music has been a constant in his life, a
                                    way to express himself and entertain others in the process.
        When not mixing it up with his music, Mike works in MIL’s Procurement Department as a vendor liaison while also attending
        the College of Southern Maryland.

                                     Tristan Cills, sharing the Word through music

                                     Tristan Cills grew up in a musical family with a mother who encouraged her children to learn
                                     the piano. But as Tristan remembers it, it was always the song’s bass line he was humming in
                                     the back of the family minivan. Bass guitar, not piano, was a natural fit.
                                     Fast forward quite a bit, and Tristan has 20 years of musical performance under his belt, with
                                     14 years at a high professional level. According to Tristan, “It’s simple. I’m a musician. I play
                                     bass guitar, guitar, and a little piano.” Adding, “Bass guitar is my primary instrument. I can
                                     play every genre, from jazz, folk, blues, pop, and rock, to my favorites–gospel and R&B.” He
                                     also enjoys assisting worship at his church and being on the road with his friend and world-
                                     renowned, award-winning gospel artist Travis Greene, and everywhere else playing good music.
        Travis notes musical influences like the traditional Pentecostal-style African American church he grew up in that used music
        as an integral part of their worship—along with his Caribbean parents that accompanied his early years with bass heavy music.
        All his early influences eventually came together to create the soundtrack for his own musical style and sound. Music he hopes
        connects with people across societal boundaries.
        “Through my church Forward City in Columbia and playing with Travis Greene, I have been extremely blessed to have crazy
        opportunities to travel the world, sharing my gifts to a wide range of people.” But these days his primary focus is on ministry.
        “The impact of the Church locally and globally cannot be understated. Ministry has allowed me to travel to all over the U.S.,
        Canada, Europe, South America, and Africa sharing the Gospel. I do not discount other styles of music or events. I am still
        fortunate to play the occasional wedding and corporate events all around the state.”
        Along with sharing his musical gift to uplift and inspire, Tristan works as an MIL Compensation Systems Analyst at the U.S.
        Department of State in Charleston and shares his life and love with wife Kashayla. “I love my wife Kashayla who also works for
        MIL. We welcomed our son Nikko on 12/30/23. I also love MIL. It’s been an honor working here.”
                                                                       spring 2024  | the MIL connection | 11
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