Page 16 - MILConnection_Spring_2024
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I currently advocate for more women in the field of    Representation is just one of the challenges female engineers
        engineering by working with high school students (judging   like Natalie encounter—along with other young women in
        robotics competitions/science fairs) and volunteering. I want   the workforce—which is why MIL believes female leadership
        to be the person/mentor/etc., that I wished I had when I knew   is so important to the professional development and morale
        I wanted to go into engineering in high school.”       of its younger female employees. To be seen, heard, and
                                                               understood is vital to ensuring women in the workforce feel
        On the value of female role models, both academic and in
                                                               respected and cared for by their employer. But so is ensuring
        the workplace, Natalie said, “Having women in leadership
                                                               issues of particular importance to women are accommodated;
        positions throughout the company is great to see as a young
                                                               working women need to be supported in their quest to
        employee. I also have had quite a few role models in the form
                                                               maintain a healthy work-life balance. “Even though I haven’t
        of professors at school, alumni from my school, and other
                                                               used it, I think that appropriate parental and maternity leave
        female engineers throughout the NAVAIR community. Having
                                                               is one of the most important things that a lot of women look
        the support of other female engineers is amazing because
                                                               for when joining a company,” Natalie shared. “We want to
        engineering is such a male-dominated field; we lift each other
                                                               know that if we take the time off to care for family, we will be
                                                               welcomed back and treated fairly after doing so.”
        “I have been a mentor for a female intern. I can’t tell you how
                                                               When asked if women in leadership should champion
        much of a difference it makes for both the mentor and mentee
                                                               issues affecting women in the workplace, Natalie responded
        to have that sense of community and for the mentee to have
                                                               “yes.” “I do expect them to help advance multiple issues in
        someone to look up to,” she noted. Adding, “Having women in
                                                               the workplace, especially gender bias, sexual harassment,
        leadership who lift up their mentees is what allows women to
                                                               and just general camaraderie amongst other women in the
        advance further and further in engineering.”
        mil cares
        South Carolina's First Steps Program
                                      MIL was pleased to have served as a sponsor for the South Carolina First Steps fundraiser,
                                      Night to Celebrate Community, which was held on Thursday, March 21st in Columbia, SC.
                                      First Steps is a 501c3 non-profit organization and the state’s only dedicated early childhood
                                      education agency. First Steps serves over 55,000 children  ages 0-5 and their families across
                                      South Carolina who are at risk for early school failure. First Steps supports young children
                                      through a wide array of programs focusing on parenting, early education, health, and
        more. As both a nonprofit and a state agency, they are uniquely positioned to help reach families with young children in every
        community prepare their children for success in life and school.
        Along with gathering funds for the organization, the evening was an uplifting opportunity for fun featuring live music,
        cocktails, games, and dancing at the Hall at Senate’s End. All ticket proceeds from the event directly support the intensive
        programs First Steps provides in all 46 counties across South Carolina.
        Thanks go out to MIL team member Allyson Moffat (King) who serves on the organization’s event committee and drew our
        attention to the First Step program’s good works.
        Visit SC First Steps to learn more about the organization, its mission, and how you can get involved and help.


                                 Christian Michael Fisher

                                 Congratulations to Paul and Samantha Fisher on the birth of Christian Michael. Christian
                                 was born 12/17/2023 at 10:22 AM and weighed 9 lbs. 10 oz. and was 21 inches long. Paul is an
                                 AVP / Senior Network Engineer for the Department of Defense Business Unit, supporting the
                                 Engineering and Technical Services Sector in Southern Maryland. Along with being welcomed by
                                 both his mom and dad, Christian became the baby brother to seven older siblings.
                                 Congratulations to the now 10-member Fisher family!

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