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2024: Off to a great start!

                      MILTON was developed to help you grow professionally and personally. Through MILTON’s learning platform,
                      Skillsoft Percipio, you have access to courses, videos, books, audiobooks, practice labs, bootcamps, leadercamps,
                      and assessments purpose-built to help you succeed in today’s ever-changing digital world. Bootcamps and
                      Leadercamps are both managed on the Skillsoft calendar.

        Laureano Pabello, Sr. Analyst Software Engineer at our Charleston Department of State site, was determined to obtain his
        PMP while not interfering with his daily work. He discovered the Project Management Professional (PMP) ATP Bootcamp: 8
        Day Australia cohort.  The bootcamp was offered 9am-1pm in Australia, which equates to 6pm-10pm U.S. EST.  He took the
        bootcamp 8 Mondays in a row during the months of January and February.  Laureano states “This actually worked well for me
        since it's on my personal time and I don't have to worry about work interruptions or what not.  Though this is an Australian
        cohort, the instructions are actually based here in the USA. The examples or scenarios we discuss in class are relatable for me.
        As far as the pace is concerned, its manageable.”

        There are three main options:
        As an extra incentive to promote your participation, MIL     » Honor Roll Award = $50 - completed 15 courses
        rewards its dedicated training program participants with     » Dean's List Award = $100 - completed 30 courses
        training awards. The Training Awards Program is three-tiered     » Scholar Award = Surprise Gift! - completed the most
        and allows employees to reap the benefits of their efforts on   courses (50% must be IT)
        various levels.

        Honor Roll                                             Dean’s List                 Honor Roll & Dean’s List
           » Ashley Budano-Thompson    » Kayla Lyon               » Colleen Adams             » Henry Bowling
           » W. Lewis Collier          » Regina Middleton-        » Yingwen Chen              » Andrew Engrasci
           » Christine Curran          White                      » Brieann Jaso              » Tina Fox
           » Dustin Eidson             » Tesfaye Swanson          » Brian Pullias             » Dylan Goddard
           » Ian Goetchius             » Yanick Timo              » Patricia Riley            » Amanda Holliday
           » Rebecca Helms             » Wendy Walker             » Adam Russell              » Bobby Medlin
           » Anna Jacob                » W. Michael Walton        » Scott  Tate               » Richard Smith
           » Megan Kennan                                                                     » Joseph Welch
                                                                                              » Bobby Windsor

        Tina Fox is the winner of the Scholar Award!           Two of Tina’s IDP goals are 1) to obtain her CAPM within a
                                                               year, and 2) to obtain her PMP within three years. “MILTON
        A belated congratulations to Tina Fox, our 2023 Scholar Award  is an awesome source to help me reach those goals. I initially
        Winner! Tina, a Project Management Analyst in Charleston,   began exploring the courses associated with the PMBOK
        completed 115 courses in 2023, her first year with MIL!  Tina   guide and shifted toward a focus on the CAPM. I’d started my
        wanted to share her experience.                        studies in June, and even though the exam was changing in
        Tina, who spent the first 29 years of her career as an educator,   July, it gave me a good foundation of the concepts that I was
        loves learning! She taught math and computer science to   beginning to use in my new line of work. I was very happy
        both teenagers and adults since the mid-90s. Tina has two   when the courses for the PMBOK Guide 7th Edition started
        dear friends who work for MIL and they have tried to recruit   popping up. My team is also working through a process
        her for years. In the fall of 2022, she finally asked Laura   improvement initiative, and I was excited that my studies in
        Johnston-Harrington to tell her more about MIL. Tina had   MILTON allowed me to contribute to a few different phases of
        been thinking on and off about making a shift into project   the initiative.”
        management, and Laura convinced her that MIL would be a   “I love that you can search for specific certifications, so for
        great place to do just that. In both her Computer Science and   NOW my favorite is the CAPM Channel and the Project
        AP Statistics classes, she used a lot of project-based learning,   Management Basic courses as well as the test prep books. I
        and developed many of the skills necessary for managing   appreciate the downloadable course transcripts that I can use
        project teams. That said, Project Management in the classroom  for reference guides for the job and to study. I enjoy the tests
        -vs- the business sector uses a totally different vocabulary. Her   at the end of each unit (I know, I know, I’m such a nerd). They
        explorations in MILTON started first with the new tools that   help me realize not only what I’ve mastered, but also what I
        she would be using for the job (Teams and SharePoint -vs-   still need to work on! I’m looking forward to (after obtaining
        the Google Suite she’d been using for the last 10 years), but   my CAPM) starting the pre-recorded PMP Bootcamp to help
        quickly shifted to Project Management Basics.          me with the next step of my journey!”
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