Page 17 - MILConnection_Spring_2024
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                                    On the cover of the LOC Gazette

                                    The December 1st issue of the Library of Congress Gazette (Volume 34, No. 46), a weekly
                                    publication for Library staff and other interested readers, featured members of MIL’s Library IT
                                    support services staff at the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO). The Gazette article
                                    focused on the successful deployment of two recent upgrades to the Library’s IT ecosystem:
                                    the launch of a new Cisco virtual private network (VPN) and the migration to Microsoft 365
                                    (M365). MIL staff members working on the Tier 3/Packaging / M365 hypercare team—one
                                    of the two successful enhancements discussed in the article—were pictured on the cover
                                    and again in the feature article included below. Those team members include Xavier Parada,
                                    Marcus Powell, Zachary McCray, Adryan Wright, Jackson Penate, and Laura Polzin.
            Click above to read     Congratulations and well done to MIL’s hardworking teams getting the job done right for the
                the article!        Library of Congress!

                                    Kala Bowling to receive Master’s in
                                    Executive Leadership

                                    REPS Sector staffer Kala Bowling will be graduating from Liberty University with a Master of
                                    Arts degree in Executive Leadership on May 10th, 2024. The degree focuses on the soft skills
                                    of business, such as organizational change, problem-solving, analysis, and communication.
                                    In addition to her masters, Kala holds a Graduate Certificate in General Business from
                                    Liberty University and a Bachelor’s in Business Administration from the University of Mary
                                    Washington. After graduation, Kala plans on continuing her professional development by
                                    obtaining a project management certificate and using her acquired knowledge and training
                                    to further her career at MIL. Kala looks forward to bringing her advanced education and
                                    experience to MIL. And we look forward to watching her excel!
                                    Congratulations Kala!!

                     Upcoming Events

                     Summer/Fall Celebrations                      MIL Mingle (New Hire Celebrations):
                     Southern MD                                   Stennis:
                     Saturday, August 24, 2024, 4-8 pm, St. Mary’s   Tuesday, May 14, North Beach Restaurant,
                     City – Margaret Brent Pavilion                BSL Lounge, 6-9 pm.
                     Saturday, September 28, 2024, 1-5:30pm, Park
                     Circle Cultural Arts Community Building
                     DMV Area
                     Saturday, October 5, 2024, 12-4pm,
                     Smoky Glen Farm

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