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              the correct meat species as label. This demonstrated that regulation of meat production could be

              strengthened in purpose of food safety, religious, and to prevent illegal fraud of meat product. The

              application of this method is not only for human consumption such as Halal authentication but also

              benefit for tracing animal feed adulteration. However, the analytical conditions might be improved
              for quantitative differentiation in fewer amounts of DNA as well as being able to identification more

              animal species.


                     Using multiplex PCR with specific primer design based on mt cyt b gene and appropriated

              reaction condition, meat from 6 species could be identified at the same time. Therefore, it should be
              a potential tool for routine analysis of meat species identification since it could be performed rapidly

              and quite sensitive.


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              Anonymous. Primer3plus. Primer design program. Available source:

                     bin/primer3plus/primer3plus.cgi, Mar 10, 2016.

              Anonymous. The sequencing information of GenBank (NCBI) using program. The BLAST Sequence

                     Analysis. Available source:

                     #, Jul 5, 2016.

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