Page 125 - BBLP ejournal2018.docx
P. 125

Journal of Biotechnology in Livestock Production

              were shown in Table 1. Whereas alignment data of expected cyt b gene region in each animal

              species with primer positions were given in Figure 1.

              Table1 Species-specific primers and expecting PCR amplicon (ordered from small to large) sizes

              Animal spp.                         PCR primers                         product sizes (bp)

              Buffalo    Forward: BuF1   5’-TCCTCATTCTCATGCCCCTG -3'
                         Reverse: ComR  5'-TGTCCTCCAATTCATGTGAGTG -3'                        124

              Goat       Forward: ComF  5'-GACCTCCCAGCTCCATCAAACATCTCATCTTGATGAAA-3'
                         Reverse: GoR2  5'-CTCGACAAATGTGAGTTACAGAGGGA -3'                    157
              Chicken    Forward: ComF  5' - GACCTCCCAGCTCCATCAAACATCTCATCTTGATGAAA -3'

                         Reverse: ChR1  5'- AAGATACAGATGAAGAAGAATGAGGCG -3'                  227
              Sheep      Forward: ComF 5' - GACCTCCCAGCTCCATCAAACATCTCATCTTGATGAAA -3'
                         Reverse: ShR2  5’ -CTATGAATGCTGTGGCTATTGTCGCA -3’                   331

              Pig        Forward: ComF  5' - GACCTCCCAGCTCCATCAAACATCTCATCTTGATGAAA -3'
                         Reverse: PoR2  5' - GCTGATAGTAGATTTGTGATGACCGTA -3'                 398
              Cattle     Forward: BoF2  5' - TCCTTCCATTTATCATCATAGCAA -3'

                         Reverse: ComR  5' - TGTCCTCCAATTCATGTGAGTGT -3'                     472

              Figure 1 Alignment data of expected cyt b gene regions in each animal species with primer positions
              demonstrated in the opened boxes as followed (ordered by the position in the genome sequences):
              Box A* represented ComF (forward primer for goat, chicken, sheep and pig in PCR reaction)

              Box B* represented GoR2 (reverse primer for goat in PCR reaction)
              Box C* represented ChR1 (reverse primer for chicken in PCR reaction)
              Box D* represented ShR2 (reverse primer for sheep in PCR reaction)
              Box E* represented PoR2 (reverse primer for pig in PCR reaction)

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